Brett Kavanaugh's accuser says she is willing to testify before the Judiciary Committee


Dr. Blasey's accusations, a few days before the Judiciary Committee's vote on Judge Kavanaugh, rocked Washington, citing the confirmation of Justice Clarence Thomas, accused of sexual harassment by law professor Anita Hill. They also energized Democrats and women in particular in a mid-term election in which Republicans are fighting to court the women's vote.

Last week, Dr. Blasey became a cultural touchstone for women across the country in the era of the #MeToo movement. A hashtag, #IBelieveChristine, appeared on Twitter and survivors of sexual assault should gather in New York on Monday. A Facebook publication promoting the rally said that "New York City stands with Dr. Blasey Ford and all survivors of sexual assault."

The intense focus on Dr. Blasey's accusation continued to impact Capitol Hill on Saturday unexpectedly. A Grassley Communications Advisor, who had joined the Judiciary Committee on a temporary basis to help formulate messages regarding Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation, resigned after NBC News raised questions about a sexual harassment charge. A colleague.

Councilor Garrett Ventry said that the sexual harassment complaint against him was false. A committee spokesperson, Taylor Foy, noted the denial of wrongdoing, but said Mr. Ventry had decided to withdraw "to avoid any distraction from the work of the committee."

Saturday's letter from Dr. Blasey's lawyers, Debra S. Katz and Lisa Banks, also indicated that Michael R. Bromwich, a Washington lawyer and former Inspector General of the Department of Justice, had joined Dr. Blasey's legal team. Mr. Bromwich is also at the center of another Washington story: he represents Andrew G. McCabe, the former MP F.B.I. director, who was sacked this year and attended several of the most sensitive episodes of the investigation conducted by the office in Russia.

The letter was the last turning point in a new negotiation, which began cordially with Dr. Blasey expressing his openness to testifying, but which soon became acrimonious. There were several blocking points, including who would interrogate him during an audition and how many media cameras would be present. The Democrats defended his defense on Saturday.

"Dr. Blasey Ford is really a brave profile, "said Senator Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Democrat, in an interview. "She decided to tell her story about an impossible choice."

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