Brett Kavanaugh's friend, Mark Judge, wrote about preparing for Georgetown


The judge spent his adult years describing parties like the one recalled by Christine Blasey Ford.

The other high school student, who, according to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, was in the room the night she alleges that Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the 1980s. was the writer Mark Judge. about hedonistic party life when he was friends with the judge now at Georgetown Prep.

The Washington Post said that the man that Dr. Ford says can confirm that Brett Kavanaugh assaulted him well is Mark Judge and that his lawyer wants to interrogate him under oath. The judge says that he does not want to participate in the hearings and does not remember the party at all. But if one believes the judge's writings on his adventures in high school, his heavy consumption of alcohol could be to blame.

In one of his books on being a high school group boy, Judge says he and his friends have pledged to drink 100 casks before graduating from school. exclusively male Catholic school in Bethesda, Maryland. In the school yearbook, Kavanaugh documented that he was the treasurer of the "100 Kegs Gold Bust Club".

In 2015, the judge wrote another article defending his holidays in the early 1980s.

"I'll be the first to defend guys by being guys. [Judge described years of] drink and smoke and connect.

In one of his confessionals, Wasted: Tales of Gen X Drunk, The judge admits that he has often drunk too much, but a lot of "girls" too.

"Most of the time, everyone, including girls, was drunk." Lost is a memoir of his alcoholism and his recovery. "If you could breathe and walk at the same time, you might meet someone. That did not mean going to the end … but after a year spent in school without girls, the big caresses were basically an orgy.

But The daily mail says that Mark Judge seems upset at being involved in Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings, although he has commemorated the decade in various books and articles.

"I did not ask to be involved in this case and no one asked me to participate. The only reason I'm involved is that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford remembers me as the other person in the room during the alleged assault. "

He stated that he did not want to testify under oath during Kavanaugh's hearings. The judge refers to Brett Kavanaugh as a "high school friend".

"I have no more information to offer to the Committee and I do not wish to speak publicly about the incidents described in Dr. Ford's letter."

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