During the swearing-in of newly elected judge, Brett Kavanaugh, of the Supreme Court, President Trump apologized for the way he and his family were treated.

WASHINGTON – If you were looking for the new Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh's website, you may be surprised.

The domain is now a dedicated forum to help victims of sexual assault and end rape. The website, entitled "We believe survivors", was purchased by Fix The Court, which advocates for judicial transparency.

Kavanaugh, who was charged with sexual assault by three women while he was in high school and at university, was sworn in the Supreme Court on Saturday and his first day on the field was Tuesday. . He denied all the allegations against him.

Kavanaugh's confirmation prompted a close examination after the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor, before the Congress on the alleged assault on Kavanaugh as a teenager. The allegations and the ensuing debate around the country about Kavanaugh's future were considered a major test of the #MeToo movement.

"The start of Brett Kavanaugh's tenure on the Supreme Court could prove to be a victory for one interest group or another," the site said. "But, more importantly, it focuses on the problem of sexual assault at the national level – and on how our country can and should do more to prevent it and support those who do it. have lived. "

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The website includes a large photo of the Supreme Court with a banner reading "We Believe Survivors". Throughout the site, the website lists resources for victims of sexual assault and explains how Americans can work to end rape on college campuses.

The purchase of the estate has been planned in advance. Fix The Court bought the URL and similar sites ending in .org and .net three years ago with the idea that they could "be useful in all future confirmation battles of the Supreme Court, "said the executive director of the organization, Gabe Roth.

More: "It's a damn sad situation": Trump's attack at the #MeToo movement, makes fun of the Kavanaugh accuser

More: Donald Trump: Kavanaugh's allegations show that it's "a very scary time for young men in America"

More: Brett Kavanaugh's first day at the Supreme Court includes a warm welcome – and a few pinches

"Today, I redirect these three people to a referral page containing resources for victims of sexual assault," Roth said. "I believe in Dr. Ford, I believe in Professor Hill, and I believe that asking for forgiveness is a sign of maturity and strength, not weakness."

Roth said the White House's response to Ford's credibility and President Donald Trump's words seemingly mocking his testimony were hard to watch for many survivors of assault.

"Fix, the Court stands by you, we believe and support you," Roth said. "And if you're looking for additional resources, you can go to"

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