Brexit: Labor "must listen" to members on a new vote, says Tom Watson


Tom Watson

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The workers should be ready to support the demands for a new referendum on Brexit, said Deputy Leader Tom Watson.

He told the observer that he would prefer that Brexit be debated at an election, but if members are in favor of another public vote, their opinions must be respected.

A survey suggests that 86% of members want to have a say in the future relationship of the UK with Europe.

Watson said that there could be "pressure" to commit to another vote on Brexit during his next election manifesto.

The party has never officially rejected the option of the second vote, but leader Jeremy Corbyn said he would prefer questions to be resolved in an election.

He should face pressure at the annual party conference in Liverpool to embark on a new referendum.

MPs and union leaders are expected to join the opening march of the conference on Sunday to demand what activists have called a popular vote.

The YouGov survey of 1,054 Labor members revealed that 86% of them were in favor of a referendum on the results of the Brexit negotiations, against 8% who oppose it.

Theresa May's plan for Brexit – known as the Checkers deal – was rejected by EU leaders as unworkable at the Salzburg summit on Thursday.

The Prime Minister later said that the rejection of his plan by the EU without proposing an alternative was "unacceptable" and made it clear that she was willing to give up negotiations rather than d & # 39; accept a "bad deal".

Speaking Saturday at a pre-conference rally, Mr. Corbyn said the Labor Party would challenge Ms. May on any Brexit deal, adding that a general election should be organized if the "Government can not deliver".

In his interview with the observer, Watson said, "Jeremy and I were elected in 2015 to hand the Labor Party over to its members.

"So, if the people's party decides that it wants people to have one last word on the agreement, we must respect the views of our members and we will discuss them."

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