BREXIT LIVE: Barnier proposes to extend the transition but may refuse to change – From PM to Brussels | Politics | New


Ms. May also promised that her contract with the Checkers was not dead during the Prime Minister's Question Period on Wednesday.

The Prime Minister will arrive in Brussels around 15:30 and will meet the 27 European leaders after the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, declared that there was "no reason for optimism" about a decisive breakthrough in the negotiations, with the Irish border as the main obstacle.

It is feared that EU leaders will not now agree on a special summit in November to finalize the terms of the UK withdrawal from the EU.

At the same time, US President Donald Trump wants an exceptional free trade agreement between Brexit and the United Kingdom, it was revealed.

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Donald Trump wants free trade (Image: Getty)

But British Chancellor Philip Hammond warned that Britain should pay up to £ 36 billion to the EU in case of non-agreement.

Britain would probably lose any legal battle to pay a large share of the Brexit deal, Hammond said, arguing that cabinet ministers are increasingly confronted with a "no deal" scenario. ".

A cabinet source told The Telegraph newspaper: "He said the Treasury's legal adviser was that if we left without an agreement, we would still have to pay £ 30 to £ 36 billion to the EU because we would probably have no chance of winning a trial in international arbitration ".

May held a two-and-a-half-hour cabinet meeting on Tuesday at Downing Street, where she urged her colleagues to stay together.

Donald Trump wants to start trade talks with London "as soon as possible", which means negotiations could begin when Britain leaves the bloc in March 2019.

The EU wants to extend for a period of two years the transition to Brexit in order to allow time to develop a temporary customs agreement between the EU and the UK for the border with the EU. ;North Ireland. But Ms. May rejected the proposal.

Update from 1:08 pm: Mrs May warns EU of Irish border before going to Brussels

Ms May said in Brussels that the UK would not accept an agreement that treats Northern Ireland differently than the rest of the UK.

A final deal is pending as Britain and the EU have not reached a backstop agreement to maintain the free movement of the Northern Irish border.

But with the EU tabling a plan for Northern Ireland to be bound by EU customs rules, May held firm during Prime Minister's question period.

Ms May said: "We continue to work for a good agreement with the European Union – an agreement that concretises the vote on Brexit, but also an agreement that protects jobs and livelihoods and protects crucial to the precious Union of the United Kingdom.

"We will not accept any proposal that would have the effect of breaking the United Kingdom".

Update from 12:50: May may reject Barnier's extension offer regarding Brexit

Michel Barnier proposes an extension of the Brexit process in order to allow more time for the signing of an agreement, which will keep Britain in the bloc until the end of 2020.

The plan has also been taken up by Ireland, Dublin fearing the current border situation in Northern Ireland.

However, Theresa May must reject the proposal. A source said the prime minister did not think Barnier's request could be politically approved.

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Theresa May says Commons monitors do not die on Wednesday (Image: BBC)

Update from 12:29 pm: Theresa May pledges not to impose stiff border on Northern Ireland

Ms May again promised that there would be no hard border in Northern Ireland during the Prime Minister's Question Time.

The Prime Minister will meet European leaders tonight as she will try to break the stalemate on the border.

Ms. May told the House of Commons: "We are all working so that there is no hard border in Northern Ireland, it is the clear commitment of the British government" .

She added that the government will protect "the precious Union of the United Kingdom".

Update from 12:26 pm: UK to pay £ 39 billion bill for Brexit, says May

Britain will honor its pledge to pay up to 39 billion pounds to the EU in case of no agreement, Theresa May said.

The prime minister told Jeremy Corbyn, emboldened: "It is a country that respects its legal obligations and we will do exactly that".

Corbyn also questioned Ms. May about Britain's plans to preserve drug supplies after leaving the UK.

The Prime Minister said that the Ministry of Health was working to ensure that plans were in place to secure medical supplies.

She then added that the unemployment rate was at its lowest level since the 1970s and that wages were increasing as the economy was getting a boost from Brexit.

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Jeremy Corbyn launched questions about Brexit to Threresa May during PMQ (Image: Getty)

Update of 12:11 pm: Patches may not die at PMQ

Ms. May swore that Checkers was NOT dead during the Prime Minister's Question Time on Wednesday.

When Jeremy Corbyn asked if her Checkers plan at the exit of the EU was dead, Ms. May replied, "The answer is no."

She also categorically excluded a second referendum on Brexit with a popular vote.

Ms. May said, "People voted and this government will follow up".

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Theresa May clashed with Jeremy Corbyn over Brexit in the Commons (Image: Getty)

Update of 12:05: Macron "concerned" by its impact on the lack of agreement on France

Emmanuel Macron fears the effects of a non-market on the French economy, it was reported.

The French president is ready to step back and propose a compromise to help resolve the conflict on the Irish border, as stated in the Daily Express.

BBC political broadcaster Andrew Neil said the rumor that Macron feared a lack of a detrimental market for French companies, while May and the EU struggled to solve the problem of Irish border.

Andrew Neil tweeted: "Macron is more worried about the economic impact of the lack of agreement on the Pas de Calais than the Irish border."

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Emmanuel Macron will present a compromise on the fears of a Brexit without compromise prejudicial to the French economy (Image: Getty)

Update of 11:50: Brexit BOOST while an official of the Bank of England reduces his forecasts of job losses

A senior official at the Bank of England has revised downward its forecasts regarding the number of jobs that the city would lose as a result of Brexit.

Deputy Governor Sam Woods told a committee of the outgoing House of Commons of the EU Select Committee that the number of jobs expected from the EU as a result of the resignation of the Kingdom United had gone down.

Woods said the number would be at the bottom of a previous estimate, indicating that 5 to 10,000 jobs in banks and insurance in the UK would be removed.

He also said he was confident that a final agreement could be reached on financial services.

Mr Woods said: "I reject the idea that you can not have an agreement on financial services".

Update from 11h27: May to arrive in Brussels at 15h30 after PMQ

Theresa May will arrive in the Belgian capital for the European summit around 15:30 GMT this afternoon.

She will make a short television clip for journalists in Brussels before going to the Europa building, seat of the European Council, an hour later.

Ms. May will maintain bilaterally with Donald Tusk and other personalities for approximately 90 minutes.

She will then address the 27 European leaders around 6 pm GMT before going to dinner at the residence of the UK ambassador.

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Theresa May leaves Downing Street before Brussels summit Wednesday (Image: Reuters)

11:11 update: Women's rebels heat up May before EU summit

Mrs May is under increasing pressure as the EU dinner, which is taking place in Brussels, approaches today.

Large sections of his party vehemently oppose his so-called Checkers plan for Brexit, whose critics are afraid to bind Britain to the bloc long after March 29, 2019, the expected date for the departure of the country.

The Prime Minister has presented his plan as the only possible choice for a Brexit without agreement in which the UK leaves without any agreement with the UK and returns to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

However, the financier, Mr Hosking, who launched the Brexit Express two years ago, said it was a "false dichotomy".

09:58 Update: UK Government Will Not Request Extension of Brexit Implementation Period

Britain will not ask for an extension of the transition period to Brexit, said BBC political correspondent Laura Kuenssberg.

A source number 10 told him "we are not asking for an extension of the implementation period".

According to rumors, an extension of the implementation period, set for March 2021, could allow Britain to leave the single bloc.

The suggestion had angered the Brexiteers, with the EU saying it could propose an extension of one year.

Earlier Wednesday, Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney had said that an extension was under discussion: "We are just not where we need to be."

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Tony Blair writes a joint statement with Nick Clegg and Michael Heseltine criticizing Brexiteers (Image: Getty)

Update of 09:38: Blair, Clegg and Heseltine set the Brexiteer powders on fire

Tony Blair, Nick Clegg and Michael Heseltine launched a bitter attack on the Brexiteers on the eve of May's EU summit.

The three political heavyweights have come together to warn of a Brexit "abandonment", which could give a "dangerous signal" to populist EU leaders.

Former Labor Prime Minister, former deputy prime minister and former conservative defense secretary, said "Brexit cheerleaders" lived "in a country imaginary denial ".

In an article in the German newspaper Welt, the three big parties said that the main supporters of the party "believe that sooner or later the EU will capitulate".

The joint statement said: "The inability of the EU27 to play the role attributed to Brexit writers has, however, made Brexit's cheerleaders ever more angry and more and more impatient to find someone in the world. One to blame.

"In addition to this inability to assess the economic costs of leaving, our government has also underestimated the political investment of our European allies in the EU project.

"This failure continues to fuel unrealistic hopes in Britain not of a major" last minute "concession from the EU in ongoing negotiations, but of something else. even more delusional: that once the UK is gone and is in the transition period, the remaining 27 Member States will capitulate on the principles of the single market and give Great Britain market access without comply with its rules. "

09:05 update: May: Donald Tusk meeting after a "concrete proposal" REQUEST from the chairman of the board

Theresa May will hold one-on-one talks with European Council President Donald Tusk in Brussels tonight in anticipation of a "moment of truth" speech to European leaders, it was reported.

The politico website indicates that the Prime Minister will address two or three EU personalities before the leaders' summit.

Tusk on Tuesday presented a gloomy assessment of the state of Brexit negotiations, asking Ms May to come up with "concrete proposals" on how to break the current stalemate in the negotiations.

He said there was "no reason for optimism" for a breakthrough at Wednesday's summit.

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Theresa May meets Donald Tusk (right), here with Michel Barnier before the Brussels summit (Image: Getty)

Update of 08:46: No need for "drama" around the dates of the Brexit summit, said the Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Coveney added, "I think the most likely dates will be suggested.

"But there will be no commitment to a new summit unless the negotiating teams report that there is something to sign."

"I think it's reasonable. What we do not want is to create a drama around the new summit date and not sign anything.

"We need to allow bargaining teams to set the tone for making recommendations, if possible, by mid-November."

Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs

Simon Coveney announces new dates for Brexit Summit to be suggested Wednesday (Image: Getty)

08.37: New dates will be suggested for the last Brexit summit, Irish Foreign Minister said

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said new dates would be suggested for a new Brexit summit during the Brussels negotiations.

Mr Coveney said that there would be no commitment to the date of the final summit, but warned that a Brexit without a deal would be "negative" for the UK and the United States. ;Ireland.

Speaking as part of BBC Radio 4's Today show, he said, "I think it will be recognized that bargaining teams still have work to do."

"After tonight's summit, these bargaining teams must return to the bargaining table to try to fill the remaining gaps.

"There are a small number of name change issues, but they are important issues; we should not minimize them, they must be solved.

"The prospect of a non-agreement … is really very worrying and would be negative for the UK and Ireland."

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Donald Trump wants a "peaking" deal on free trade with the UK (Image: Getty)

Update of 08:06: Brexit BOOST while Donald Trump confirms his agreement with the United States

Donald Trump wants an "avant-garde" trade deal with Britain, a senior US official said.

The US president wants to sign a free trade agreement with the UK immediately after Britain leaves the bloc.

Mr Trump wants the talks to start with Downing Street "as soon as it is ready" after leaving the EU on March 29th.

US Trade Representative Robert Lightizer wrote about the plans to Orrin Hatch, chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

Mr. Lightizer said, "The United States and the United Kingdom are the world's first and fifth largest economies, respectively, and maintain a broad and deep trade and investment relationship.

"An ambitious trade agreement between our two countries could further strengthen this relationship by removing existing tariff and non-tariff barriers for goods and services and developing cutting-edge opportunities for emerging sectors where US and UK innovators and entrepreneurs are the key players. more competitive ".

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Theresa May will be hungry Wednesday at dinner at the summit of European leaders (Image: Getty)

Update from 07:50: Theresa May does not have her place at the EU gala dinner

Theresa May will not stay for dinner after tonight's talks with European leaders.

Ms May will address the 27 European political leaders before a dinner Wednesday night, but she will leave before they start eating.

Ms May will have no place for the European table, where she will inform the Member States about projects on the Northern Irish border.

The prime minister's spokesman said: "The Prime Minister has accepted the invitation of President Tusk to report on the Brexit negotiations on Wednesday evening.

"This will take place before the dinner-debate on Brexit organized by the 27 other Member States."

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Jacob Rees-Mogg cuts the debate on the second referendum with a "popular vote" (Image: Getty)

Update of 07:38: RESPECT for permission vote, call the Popular Vote protesters

The Daily Express has urged up to 100,000 protesters to come to Parliament this Saturday to support a popular vote to respect Britain's decision to leave the EU.

A host of pro-European celebrities will attend the march for the future as it heads for Westminster.

Readers are asked to "say no" to the People's Vote campaign and help send a message to Downing Street.

Jacob-Rees Mogg, eminent eurosceptic, said: "The call for a second referendum comes from those who lost the first.

"Will they ask a third party if they lose again?"

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