Brexit: May says he has an agreement on the future of the United Kingdom, not his


Theresa May and her husband Philip

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Theresa May insisted that the UK's national interest was at stake for Brexit and not its "personal fortunes".

The Prime Minister told the Sun that the stalemate in the negotiations did not concern "his wife" but the need to guarantee the best possible deal for the country.

It will inform the Commons later in the wake of new rumors that Conservative MPs would force a vote of confidence in his leadership.

Laura Kuenssberg of the BBC said there was "deep dissatisfaction" with the Prime Minister's handling of the process.

The UK must leave the EU on March 29, 2019.

The Prime Minister will tell MEPs that 95% of the withdrawal agreement defining the legal terms of departure from the UK have now been settled.

But she will recognize that the question of how to treat the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland continues to impede the conclusion of an agreement.

Many Conservative MPs are unhappy with the plans announced at last week's EU summit for the transition period after the UK's departure in March for an extension beyond the end of 2020.

The Brexiteers and the Remains fear that this would further delay the departure of the UK from the EU, and potentially cost billions of dollars in additional payments.

The Prime Minister has not ruled out the idea, which, according to his supporters, would give more time to both parties to agree on their future economic partnership and ensure that controversial emergency plans to avoid a Hard border on the island of Ireland, never enters into force.

US Secretary of Transportation Chris Grayling told the BBC that he would be happy to consider a "short bridge" between the end of the transition period and the start of a new partnership Kingdom -um-EU.

But he said it would be unacceptable for the UK to remain stuck in limbo for an extended period.

Ms. May told the Sun that the protection of the integrity of the UK was so important that she had a duty to explore "all possible solutions" to keep the Irish border open and to avoid any new barrier to the interior of the United Kingdom.

"Does this mean that I think the negotiation will become more difficult before we reach our goal? Yes." she wrote.

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Legend of the mediaDominic Raab: "It's time to play for the team."

"What I'm thinking of is not how difficult all of this is today, I think about the price tomorrow, the great opportunities the government will help to open when we cross the last obstacles. "

She suggested that discussions should not be personalized and that her own future is secondary to securing an agreement respecting the Brexit vote of 2016 but also protecting jobs.

"The discussions on Brexit do not concern me or my personal fortune," she added. "They concern the national interest – and that means that we have to make the right choices, not the easiest ones."

A week-end of feverish speculation suggested that Ms. May have 72 hours to save her work before the 1922 Backroom Committee meeting on Wednesday.

One of the people who called for a vote of confidence in the prime minister, spokeswoman Andrea Jenkyns, said she feared the prime minister would take time.

A Conservative leadership race can be triggered if the leader resigns or if 15% of Conservative MPs (currently 48 MPs) write to the 1922 Committee Chair to demand a no-confidence vote.

In an unusual move, Ms. May spent several hours on Sunday informing cabinet ministers of what she would say later in Parliament.

& # 39; Quiet heads & # 39;

Mr. Grayling rejected the suggestion that it was a sign of crisis at Downing Street and urged his colleagues, dismayed by the direction of the negotiations to show "calm head".

"We have to move to the last negotiation," he told BBC Radio 4's Today show.

"There will be a vote in Parliament that will follow.The reality is that if the proposed agreement is something that can not be passed by Parliament, we will find ourselves in a situation of non-agreement, so from the European Union's interest and us, to make sure that what we agree is something that both parties can accept. "

The cabinet, he insisted, was united behind the prime minister in his refusal to fit in with anything that separated Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.

In her statement, Ms May will discuss the agreement reached in recent weeks on the future of Gibraltar and the UK RAF bases in Cyprus as a sign of progress.

"The form of agreement in the vast majority of the withdrawal agreement is now clear.By all of this, 95% of the withdrawal agreement and its protocols are now settled . "

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