Prime Minister Theresa May has been Prime Minister since 2016 (Image: PA)
And Jacob Rees-Mogg insisted that his European research group was seeking to change the government's Brexit policy, but not the party leader.
Their remarks followed a group meeting in the Thatcher Room in the Commons on Tuesday night, where MPs reportedly discussed how to hold a no-confidence vote to force Ms. May to leave Downing Street.
A member present at the meeting of 50 people said that those present spoke up to 50 minutes: "How do we get rid of it at best?
Answering information about the conspiracy, Duncan Smith said: "You are bringing together 50 MPs from all political parties and you will always get some who will start debating ridiculous issues.
"All I tell them is, stop it, it 's just stupid, if you do not have anything better to do, go find yourself work, because that' s is the best cure for stupidity. "
Mr Rees-Mogg, at an event organized yesterday by the European Research Group, insisted that he "supported" the Prime Minister.
The North East Somerset MP, who is the group's chairman, also said he was not present during the discussion on the future of the prime minister.
He said: "I have long said, and repeated over and over again, that politics must be changed but I support the person.
"Theresa May has tremendous virtues, she is an incredibly dedicated Prime Minister and she has my support.
"I just want her to change a policy article."
The MEP said he hoped that Ms May would give up her "Checkers" plan for close customs ties with the EU and insist that Brussels enter into a free trade agreement.
Stop it, it's just stupid. If you have nothing better to do, go find yourself a job because it is the best cure for stupidity.
David Davis, former secretary at the exit of the EU, also spoke at the same event.
The MP, who resigned from the Cabinet to protest against the Checkers plan, said: "I have made myself very clear about the resignation and then I think we have a very good Prime Minister and, like Jacob, I am not agree with her. problem – this question.
"It should stay in place because we need stability and we need a decent government as a backdrop for what we are doing in the next six months."
Former Brexit Minister Steve Baker insisted that the Eurosceptic critics of the Prime Minister's plans wanted to "stay away" from the issue of party leadership.
"I think the serious threat to security and prosperity in the UK is a Marxist Labor Party in the government," he said.
Former exit secretary of the EU, David Davis, has distanced himself from the conspirators (Image: Simon Dawson / Bloomberg via Getty Images)
"So, we must all be careful in what we do and what we say, and support Theresa May and invite her to change the policy.
"We do not really go to the territory now, otherwise, because we do not want to be there."
The assistants of Downing Street refused to discuss the plot reports yesterday.
An ally of the Prime Minister suggested that some of the deputies present at the meeting appeared "well oiled" afterwards.
At the meeting, a number of MPs reportedly discussed a new attempt to submit letters to the backbench committee of their parliamentary party in 1922, calling for a vote of confidence in the Prime Minister. Minister.
According to party rules, if 48 deputies – 15% of the parliamentary party – submit letters, a vote of no confidence would be triggered.
ITN political editor Robert Peston cited sources for the meeting in a blog.
He said that a deputy had told him, "We just had a GRE mass meeting, 50 little MPs present, where practically the only topic of conversation for 40/50 minutes was: how do we get there? to rid at best? What is the best way to use our letters? "
He quoted another MP saying, "It was really breathtaking. You have felt the ground open under your feet. The most amazing thing was that no one even dared to mimic a pretense of regret. "
Tory backbencher Michael Manufacturer – who was at the meeting – played down the prospect of a challenge.
Conservative backing MP Michael Manufacturer played down the prospect of a challenge (Image: GETTY)
"The reports about Theresa May's disappearance are greatly exaggerated, of the 40 to 50 people present, only five to six people discussed letters to the 1922 president and wrote long ago," he wrote on Twitter. .
"The rest of us sat in uncomfortable silence, although most were displeased with the Ladies.
Secretary of the Environment, Michael Gove, one of the leaders of the official leave campaign that ended in failure against Ms. May, also joined the Prime Minister.
"This is an informal discussion and the key is to ensure that we respect this mandate," he told the BBC Radio 4 Today program.
"Any misappropriation or distraction of this mission means our ability to ensure that the referendum mandate entrusted to us is undermined."