Brexit: PM will continue battle for withdrawal agreement


Theresa May

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Theresa May is preparing to renew her efforts to sell her draft Brexit withdrawal agreement, using a speech to say that it has been "fully approved".

She will tell the IWC business leaders that she will set up a fair immigration system, in which EU nationals will no longer be able to "queue up".

This comes as some Conservative MPs continue to demand late amendments to the agreement.

Ministers from the remaining 27 EU countries meet in Brussels before finalizing the agreement on Sunday.

They are working on the political declaration establishing their future relations with the United Kingdom, to be published this week.

There have been many criticisms about the 585-page withdrawal agreement – laying out what future UK-EU relations could look like – that should be signed at a summit this week-end.

Two members of the Prime Minister 's Cabinet resigned as a result of the agreement, while others reportedly attempted to change the wording.

Speculation is continuing as to whether the number of Conservative MPs submitting letters of censure to Ms. May will reach the required 48 to trigger a vote of confidence in her direction.

What is the next move of the Prime Minister?

May will join Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labor Party, to address the CBI lobby group at its annual conference in London.

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She will tell them that her plan will provide a fair immigration system that will help British young people find jobs and train.

It should say: "This will no longer be the case, EU nationals, regardless of their skills or experience, may be ahead of Sydney engineers or software developers in Delhi.

"Instead of a system based on the provenance of a person, we will have one that will be built around the talents and skills that a person can offer."

She will also reiterate that she is not prepared to reopen talks with Brussels on the withdrawal agreement, saying that "the essential elements of this agreement are already in place".

She should say that she hopes to establish a framework for a future business relationship in Brussels this week, before signing the deal at a summit on Sunday.

IWC President John Allan should call on MPs to support Ms. May's agreement – even if it is not perfect "- and to warn of the consequences for business and the economy of removal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

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Why are people dissatisfied with the agreement?

The draft document sets out the conditions for leaving the UK, including details such as the amount of money paid to the EU, the details of the transition period and the rights of citizens.

The UK and the EU want to avoid a difficult northern Irish border, so they decided to include in the agreement a "safety plan" – or backup plan – in case they could not reach a long-term trade agreement in this direction.

This would mean that Northern Ireland would remain more closely aligned with certain EU rules, deemed unacceptable by critics.

And the UK would not be able to leave the backstop without the consent of the EU.

What is the last reaction of the Conservatives?

Former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson used his column in Monday's Daily Telegraph to renew his criticism of the draft agreement, describing it as a "585-page grape leaf". [that] do nothing to cover the embarrassment of our total defeat. "

Calling for the withdrawal of support from Northern Ireland, he added: "We should massively accelerate our preparations to exit on the terms of the World Trade Organization, with a new Secretary of State responsible for all intergovernmental work.

"Of course, there would be some disruption in this result, but not as much as expected.

"And it's our failure to make the proper preparations that has so weakened our negotiations."

Meanwhile, former Conservative whip Andrew Mitchell warned against any attempt to replace Ms. May.

"It will end up giving us the impression that we are suing the Prime Minister as if it were with Margaret Thatcher, which would make the party untold damage to the public."

What were the key developments of Brexit this weekend?

  • The European Commission has proposed 31 December 2022 as the ultimate deadline for any extension of the post-Brexit transition period
  • The key group of conservative Brexiteer MPs has released its rebuttal of the draft plan – stating that it would make the UK a "rules observer"
  • Labor Party leader Corbyn said his party, which has 257 MPs, would not support the deal.
  • A survey of 505 Conservative advisers revealed that more people were against it than for this one – but a majority wanted MPs to support Theresa May
  • Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that his deputies would vote against the agreement
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