Brian Stelter of CNN presses Avenatti on some of his "Trumpian tactics"


CNN Brian Stelter prefaced Michael Avenatti interview this morning with a prediction that future presidents, like Donald Trump, will be television stars, even if it is only a legislator "who knows how to create a moment of television".

And certainly, Avenatti knows how to create those moments, like his recent interview with Tucker Carlson demonstrated.

But after talking about the interview and the ambitions of Avenatti in 2020, Stelter told him: "I'm worried, sometimes, to fall into trumpian tactics."

He brought Avenatti threatening a defamation lawsuit against Daily call journalists and asked, "How is this appropriate for anyone thinking of running for office?

Avenatti said he did not believe that "the individuals of the Daily Caller are journalists by any means".

"It's very misleading," said Stelter. "It's very misleading – trying to create a gap between real and fake journalists."

"I do not agree, I do not think that all journalists are created equal," said Avenatti, "I do not believe that many journalists adhere to the same standards as you and others, for example to CNN, the New York Times, or the Washington Post, just as not all lawyers are ethical, not all journalists meet the standards of journalism, and many people have written a lot of negative things about me and they continue to I do not have a problem with that, that's what this nation is talking about, but when people adopt tactics that do not meet basic journalistic standards and invent, from time to time, I'll call them. "

Stelter also raised a recent issue on Twitter that Avenatti had with the former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau:

Stelter asked, "If you want to be a fighter, why would you block people on Twitter?"

Avenatti said Favreau is not stuck now, but said, "I am a private citizen. If people come on my Twitter feed and they attack me for no reason or they insult me, I have the option to block them from my feed. "

Look above, via CNN.

[[[[image via screen capture]

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