Brie Larson Photoshopped Smiles On Iron Man, Doctor Strange and More


Brie Larson took a sexist reaction to "Captain Marvel" and turned it into gold social media.

Marvel / YouTube

Brie Larson is not here for your sexist reactions to the "Captain Marvel" trailer that went live on September 18th. A small corner of the Internet reacted to the Twitter user went up to take screenshots of Larson in the trailer and photoshop a smile on his face.

It turns out that Captain Marvel is the first superhero to receive his own solo movie in the film world of Marvel. This sexist reaction was, of course, passed on to Larson, who responded by posting posters of "Iron Man 3", "Doctor Strange" and "Captain America" ​​pictures of the smiling male superheroes on social media.

"Captain Marvel" stars Brie Larson in the title role. The film tells the story of the origins of traditional superheroes, as it discovers a landing on Earth half human and half Kree. The cast includes Jude Law, Lee Pace and Samuel L. Jackson, taking over from Nick Fury, the MCU's favorite.

Disney will release "Captain Marvel" nationally on March 8, 2019. The film is changing the game for the Marvel movie world in the same way as Patty Jenkins 'Wonder Woman' for the DC Extended Universe . The MCU has not yet centered a feature film on a female superhero (Evangeline Lilly shared the title with Paul Rudd on "Ant-Man and the Wasp"). The film gives Larson its biggest blockbuster, following a turn in "Kong: Skull Island".

Check out the posters that Larson posted on his Instagram story.

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