Brie Larson Wraps Filming on "Captain Marvel" – How she scored on the occasion!


And it's a packaging! Brie Larson took Sunday to Instagram to reveal that the filming of Captain Marvel has come to an end.

Larson shared the news with a cliché of the film clap.

In the photo, which 28 The winner of the Oscar-winning film, which seems to be signed by most of the actors and members of the team, is based on a calendar with the days marked until July 6, which is circled and the words "last day" are written below.

On July 7, the word "Home" is written in red, while "Freedom" is written below the dates of July 8 to 13, one letter a day.

Clearly, Larson was very excited to have Larson play the role of Carol Danvers, a pilot of the US Air Force who acquires immeasurable superhuman powers after an accident, which leads to a mix of DNA with an extraterrestrial being. Captain Marvel

The film takes place in the 1990s, which means that it's almost everything fans have seen in all movies in the Marvel film universe, with the exception some flashbacks scattered in the 20 films.

Given its context, fans will also see Samuel L. Jackson resume his role as Nick Fury, but without his signature emblem, as the film takes place before he experiences any injury whatsoever .

Captain Marvel is scheduled for release on March 8, 2019. The iconic character of Larson is also expected to play a role in the fourth film Avengers – which will take place after the catastrophic events of Infinity War – When it will be released theaters May 3, 2019.

Last July, Larson spoke with ET to play the iconic superhero – and to be the first autonomous female hero in the MCU. During the interview, she began to want to make sure that everything is fine for the character.

"I mean, I feel the pressure because it's a character that people love and inspire and I see that, and I want to do well by that," Larson said. "And I want people to feel that their character is honored."

However, she was adamant that there should be no stigma or worry about being the star of the first female blockbuster of the Marvel franchise. I do not understand why there is pressure on women as if it was the most shocking concept that a woman could open a movie – it's as if it was a tired concept, "says Larson," We proved "

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