British doctors have been given the green light to prescribe cannabis


British doctors will be able to prescribe medicinal cannabis, the government announced on Thursday after a review, but he insisted that it was not a first step towards legalization of cannabis. Recreational use. laws on the circumstances under which specialized clinicians may administer medicinal cannabis may be administered to patients

It follows several high-profile cases, including those of young epileptics whose conditions appeared to be helped by cannabis oil

". Javid wrote on Twitter: [traduction] "There is nothing more difficult than seeing one's loved ones suffer – that's why I made that decision. "

Under the new rules, to come later this year, senior physicians will be able to prescribe medications to patients deemed to have an exceptional clinical need. [19659007] – Quick Review –

Javid had ordered a revision June 19.

An initial analysis by Sally Davies, the chief medical adviser of the government, concluded that there was evidence that medicinal cannabis had therapeutic benefits.The Council on Abuse Drugs, who led the second part of the review, said last week that doctors should be able to prescribe medicinal cannabis provided the products meet safety standards.Javid said in a statement

"That's why we launched a review and set up a panel of experts to advise on licensing applications in exceptional circumstances. two sets of independent advisors, I made the decision to postpone cannabis-derived drugs – which means that they will be available on prescription.

"This will help patients with an exception"

The Interior Ministry of the Ministry of the Interior said in a statement that he was not proposing to amend the more general laws The government is clear that today's announcement does not pave the way for the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes. authorized and possession will remain unchanged, "he said.

– "Normal life" for an epileptic boy –

One of the recent cases in the public eye involved Billy Caldwell, with epilepsy, who turned 13 on Thursday

His mother Charlotte Caldwell described the dramatic change as "amazing".

She said that her son could now "lead a normal life" because of "the simple ability to administer a few drops a day for a long time."

Mike Penning, co-chair the newly established Medical Cannabis Under Prescription Inter-Ministerial Group has stated that this announcement brings hope to thousands of people

Restricting medical cannabis in the UK to a very narrow range of Derivatives, each requiring comprehensive pharmaceutical testing, thus blocking the many products available abroad, will lead to great disappointment and will be a missed opportunity. "

The Iberian Democrats, the fourth largest party in parliament, have long campaigned for the liberalization of cannabis laws.

"This is a highly anticipated and long awaited change," said the spokesman Norman Lamb Health The government has refused to commit to a broader review of outdated and harmful laws surrounding the recreational use of cannabis.

Dr. Tom Freeman, a senior academic at King's University, London College, said the decision of "

" Similar reviews are now justified for others Schedule 1 drugs with potential medical value, such as MDMA and psilocybin, "he added. Medical use of cannabis outside the Houses of Parliament in central London

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