British mother who delayed cancer treatment to give birth to her baby dies


Gemma Nuttall, a 29-year-old British mother who delayed cancer treatment to give birth to her daughter, died.

In 2014, Nuttall was diagnosed with ovarian cancer while she was four months pregnant with her baby, Penelope. Although doctors asked her if she wanted to end her pregnancy to cure her tumor, she chose to postpone chemotherapy until delivery, according to the story of Gofundme prepared by her mother, Helen Sproates. .

But nine months after the beginning of her pregnancy, her tumor became so big that the doctors had to remove her and perform a cesarean section to bring her baby into the world.

"They prevented her from sleeping so that she could see her beautiful but little girl, Penelope, come into the world," wrote Sproates on the donation page, "Only to fall asleep and get to get rid of cancer. "

After the operation, she remained cancer free for two years. But in April 2016, she was diagnosed with brain and lung cancer. Nuttall's family launched a "GoFund Me" campaign to pay for the treatments – and even actress Kate Winslet helped raise funds.

"Let's really do our best to keep her alive for her 3-year-old daughter Penelope, who loves and needs her mom so much," wrote the actress "Titanic" on the GoFundMe page, which allowed to raise more than $ 440,000.

Although tests earlier this year showed that Nuttall was cancer-free, by mid-2018 cancer had entered the spine, brain and lungs, People reported.

Sproates announced Sunday the death of his daughter.

"Sleep well, Gemma … my world will never be the same again," she wrote.

Winslet wrote in a statement to the Rossendale Free Press: "My heart is only with Helen, Penelope and the whole family in this tragically tragic time. Gemma was such a beacon of strength and led this incredibly difficult battle, with grace and dignity throughout. "

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