Broncos quarterback Chad Kelly arrested in trespass case


DENVER – Chad Kelly, the alternate quarterback of the Denver Broncos, was arrested on Tuesday morning on suspicion of criminal assault. One couple reported that he had entered their suburban home uninvited and sat on their couch "murmuring incoherently," according to court records.

Kelly, 24, posted a $ 2,500 bond and was released on Tuesday.

According to court records, a man and a woman told the police that a stranger had entered their home in Englewood after 1am. The intruder sat on the couch next to the woman who was holding the young child of the couple and muttered incoherently. according to the records.

The man shouted at the intruder to go out and hit him in the back with a vacuum tube. The owners watched the police surveillance video showing a man dressed in dark pants, a white long-sleeved shirt with a brown waistcoat and a red scarf around his neck, entering by the entrance door.

Kelly seems to have participated in a Halloween party organized by teammate Von Miller.

"We are very, very disappointed in Chad," said team president John Elway at Orange and Blue 760 radio stations in Broncos. "When the team meets, it's always a good thing.And the camaraderie that accompanies being a team …. A person has sprained about it." The charges are very, very serious. "

The owner told the police that he thought the door was locked, but that the police found no sign that someone had entered by force.

Police said they found Kelly sitting in a black SUV parked a block away from the couple's home. According to the court documents, Kelly matched the couple's description and the man later identified her as the person who had entered the house.

Kelly is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.

The Broncos chose Kelly with the final pick of the 2017 NFL Draft. Although Kelly took an attitude that often exceeded expectations in college, Elway said her colleague, Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly, had personally testified for her nephew. Elway approved the selection.

Chad Kelly missed his rookie season by recovering from knee and wrist injuries, and then defeated former Paxton Lynch first-round pick last summer to replace Keenum.

Kelly played only one shock: she knelt in the last half-final game against the Rams two weeks ago while Keenum was suffering a concussion.

On Monday, coach Joseph Vance said he would be comfortable with Kelly at the quarterback if anything were to happen to Keenum.

"I hope it's our reinforcement," Joseph said. "He won this fair deal, so if he were to play for us, if you played your quarterback, you play differently anyway, you run more the ball, perhaps, using more concepts than you can." Well, then, we'll see, it has not happened yet, but if he were to play, I'd trust Chad for us. "

The arrest of Kelly could force him to be disciplined on the part of the Broncos or the league, who does not need a conviction by a court to impose a sentence for violation of the code of NFL Conduct.

Kelly's spectacular college career has been marked by off-court skids, although he has had no problems since the Broncos recruited him.

He was ruled out of the Clemson team in 2014 after being played with coaches during the spring match. He was also arrested after a brawl in a bar in 2014, before pleading guilty to a misdemeanor driving offense.

In October 2016, he was involved in a fight during the football match between his brother and his high school in New York. He ran on the field after his brother, Casey Kelly, apparently took a late shot and the video shows several coaches holding him back on the field.

Although he did not play in the Senior Bowl after his last season at Ole Miss due to a right knee injury, he was present throughout the week in Mobile, Alabama, in order to being able to talk to NFL players about his problems off the field.

At the time, he had stated that it was important to be aware of his mistakes and that it was important: "You must be honest, of course, but you have to admit what you did and try to convince them that you've learned from these mistakes and that you will not do them anymore The owner does not want to hear about them, the GM does not want to know more about what you did. wants to know if you have learned from him and will not make the same mistake twice. "

The information provided by the Associated Press has been used in this report.

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