Broncos release QB Chad Kelly after arrest


ENGLEWOOD, Colorado – The Denver Broncos gave up quarterback Chad Kelly Wednesday morning, just one day after Kelly's arrest for committing a criminal trespass in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Kelly appeared briefly Wednesday morning in the Arapahoe County Court, where he was scheduled to appear in court on November 8. Kelly was in the Broncos complex about 25 minutes before his court appearance – the two buildings are adjacent to Denver's southern suburbs – and stayed about 10 minutes before he left for the courthouse. He was not formally charged.

Kelly, who was a seventh round pick by the Broncos in the 2017 draft, made no comments before or after his court appearance.

In a statement, John Elway, president of football operations and general manager of the Broncos, said: "This is a decision we made as an organization, after reviewing all the information and talking with Vance (Joseph) and Joe (Ellis), we agreed that releasing Chad was the right thing to do Even though Chad is no longer part of our team, we offered to help him as we can and support him. in every way possible. "

Kelly, 24, was arrested on Tuesday at the start of the first degree intrusion after a couple said that he had entered her home uninvited, according to an "affidavit" affidavit. the probable cause "filed in Arapahoe County Court.

According to the affidavit, the man and woman reportedly told the police that a foreigner had entered their home in Englewood, Colorado, after 1 am. The intruder was sitting on the couch next to the woman who was holding the couple's young child and muttering, "according to the recordings.

The man shouted at the intruder to go out and hit him on the back with a vacuum tube. The police surveillance video showed a man dressed in dark pants, a white long-sleeved shirt with a brown waistcoat and a red scarf around his neck that was entering the door d & # 39; entry.

Kelly had participated in a Halloween party organized by the team by linebacker Von Miller. Several players contacted in the last two days told ESPN and NFL Network that they were angry that Kelly was "making fun" of the party and was asked to leave the rally just before his arrest.

Police said they found Kelly sitting in a black SUV parked a block away from the couple's home after the man chased Kelly out of the house. Kelly matched the couple's description, and the man was later identified as the person who had entered the house, according to court documents.

After her arrest, Kelly filed a $ 2,500 bond and was released Tuesday.

Several people from the team said in the past two days that Elway was upset by Kelly's arrest because the Broncos had chosen Kelly for the 2017 draft, despite the problems faced by Kelly out of the field during and just after his academic career.

In the days leading up to the draft, his uncle, Jim Kelly, Hall of Fame member Jim Kelly, called Elway to confirm Chad Kelly's willingness to avoid any problems. Kelly had been congratulated by the coaches of the team as well as by his teammates for his work during the off season, including many appearances at charities, but after the arrest on Tuesday, the 39; team felt the need to act.

Kelly had defeated the former Paxton Lynch first-round pick in the training camp and in the team's pre-season games to win the substitute quarterback position. Lynch was released when the Broncos reduced the lineup to 53 players before the start of the regular season.

Kevin Hogan, who was signed in September, is currently the replacement for Starter Case Keenum.

Previously, Kelly had expressed his desire to get on track after his injuries and his weekend dive.

"I'm just trying to improve every rep," Kelly said then. "… I just want to be consistent and repeat everything you do – be away from play for a year and a half, there was no consistency in what I did. start doing that again, feel like me, go out and compete at a high level. "

Kelly had missed her rookie season by recovering from knee and wrist injuries. The only cliché Kelly has played this season is a kneeling just before the half-time defeat of the Broncos against Los Angeles Rams. Keenum was suffering a concussion during the game, then returned to play in the second half.

Kelly was fired from the Clemson football team in 2014 after arguing with coaches during the spring match. He was also arrested after a brawl in a bar in 2014 and eventually pleaded guilty to driving a misdemeanor.

In October 2016, he was involved in a fight during the football match between his brother and his high school in New York. He ran on the field after the tackle of his brother, Casey Kelly, and a video showed that Chad Kelly was retained by several coaches.

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