Brooklyn Witches plans to put a spell on Brett Kavanaugh


A Brooklyn bookstore is organizing a public event to put a spell on newly confirmed Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday night.

Catland Books, in the Bushwick district of New York, says Kavanaugh will be at the center of the event, but he will also curse "all rapists and patriarchy." To promote the "Ritual to Hex Brett Kavanaugh", the bookstore sent invite on Eventbrite.


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"[Brett Kavanaugh] will be the focal point, but by no means the only target, so bring your rage and all the axes you have to grind, " the invitation bed. The event will include the powers of witchcraft to bring justice to those of us who have been harmed by men like him. "

"We wanted to have an act of resistance," said TIME, Dakota Bracciale, the organizer of the event. "It's a matter of giving space to survivors of sexual assault who will not shut up and who do not want Brett Kavanaugh to be the symbol of defeat."

Kavanaugh denied several allegations of sexual assault at the disputed hearings of his candidacy for the Supreme Court, including California professor Christine Blasey Ford, testified in public before the Senate Judiciary Committee that he attacked her in high school.

The Mystic Bookstore will also hold a second ritual after the main hex, called "Rites of the Scorned", to support women and men who no longer want to remain silent about the problem of sexual assault.

"We are improving visibility and letting people know that they are not alone with monsters," said Bracciale. "Even the witches are coming out of the woods to stop that."

Catland Books has organized three events to cast a spell on President Donald Trump last summer and plans to add more public outgoing events later this year due to the high interest in this sold-out event.

Tickets for the October 10 event cost $ 10 and half of the proceeds go to the Ali Forney Center and Family Planning.

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