Brother Frankie of Ariana Grande & # 39; Heartbroken & # 39; on the death of Mac Miller


The brother of Ariana Grande pays tribute to his ex Mac Miller.

On Wednesday, Frankie Grande, 35, published a moving tribute to the late rapper Malcolm James McCormick, who died Friday of an apparent overdose.

"I am at the heart of Malcolm's death. He was a good friend and was wonderful for my sister, "Frankie posted on Miller's Instagram, who was 25 years old with Ariana, before parting earlier this year.

Like Miller, Frankie battled drug addiction and said the rapper encouraged him to become sober.

"That's why I went to the rehab center where I felt safe detoxified from all the alcoholic drugs and medications I was taking, when I could not imagine living without them. This is the place where I found the supportive community that showed me that living without drugs was a possibility and I would never have discovered that if it was not for Malcolm, "writes Frankie.

RELATED: Ariana Grande is "helpless" by the Ex Mac Miller's Death and "Impossible to Believe" that he's gone: Source

In June, Frankie revealed exclusively to PEOPLE that he had celebrated a year of sobriety. And he says Miller helped him along the way.

"I remember when I would have had 30, 60, 90 days of housekeeping and that Malcolm was there with a gift, a card and some words of encouragement … telling me that he knew to what it was difficult to stay sober. "Frankie's Instagram post continued. "Drug addiction is a TERRIBLE disease … many people are addicted as I am and many of them are losing. Those of us struggling with addiction must remain strong. We must continue to work hard on ourselves every day and to help each other. "

Frankie Grande; Mac Miller

Frankie Grande; Mac Miller

Steven Ferdman / Patrick McMullan / Getty; Matt Baron / BEI / REX / Shutterstock

After Miller's death, Frankie hopes to advocate for support for other drug addicts.

"Our illness is strong but WE ARE STRONGER and I promise to work every moment of my life to stay sober so I can be there for others. It's a tough road but you DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT ALONE. For anyone who needs help, help is there. you just have to have the courage to ask, which, I know, can be EXTREMELY difficult … but when you do, I guarantee that the support will be there. Do not be ashamed if you lose the battle against addiction, shame feeds disease, humility defeats it. please ask for help! You are not alone! I'm here … and I'll continue to be there … for you … "added Frankie.

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Mac Miller and Ariana Grande

Mac Miller and Ariana Grande

David X Prutting / BFA / REX / Shutterstock

"Malcolm, my friend, we will miss you very much. and I know you'll look at me from the sky, proud for every day I live my own sober life … 453 days and count … "concludes Frankie, in addition to sharing lines of assistance for alcoholics anonymous (212- 870-3400) Narcotics Anonymous (818-773-9999) and the Life Line for Suicide Prevention (800-273-9255).

Miller was pronounced dead at 11:51 am at his home in Studio City, California, the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Department confirmed in a statement to PEOPLE. A cause of death remains to be determined, but one source told PEOPLE that the rapper had made a cardiac arrest after appearing to suffer from an overdose.

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On Tuesday, an insider told PEOPLE Grande that she was "helpless" after the death of her ex-boyfriend.

"She's completely collapsed after discovering the existence of Mac," said the insider at the time. "She can not believe he's gone. He was such a special person for her. She is very, very sad. … it's a nightmare for her.

One day after Miller's death, the singer "No Tears Left to Cry" honored him on his Instagram account, displaying a black-and-white photo of the rapper without a caption.

RELATED: "One of my best friends": all that Mac Miller and Ariana Grande said about their relationship

Big and Miller – who collaborated on the tracks "The Way" and "My Favorite Part" – took their romance in public in September 2016; they separated at the end of April after two years together.

She is expected to attend her funeral, scheduled for later this week in Pittsburgh.

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