Brothers and Sisters of Congressman Paul Gosar Support Opponent Candidate in Stunning Political Publicity


Most political ads follow a familiar formula: boast achievements, public testimonials and pack with the mandatory validation message. The advertising of Arizona Congressman David Brill is no different – until those who criticize his opponent reveal their last name.

Brill is involved in a controversial fight against outgoing representative Paul Gosar, who represents Arizona's 4th congressional district. But he will not stay much longer if his siblings have something to say about it.

Brill unveiled Friday a breathtaking advertising campaign during which his own brothers and sisters support the Democrat – six of them.

The ad seems to be an ordinary place, with six Arizonans hitting Gosar's bargains and calling on voters to support Brill.

"Congressman Paul Gosar is doing nothing to support rural America," said Grace, presented as a simple rural doctor, at the opening of the ad.

"Paul does not work for his district," said David, a lawyer.

"If he really cared about the rural inhabitants of Arizona, I bet he would be fighting for social security, for better access to health care, I bet he" he would seek to define the most effective water policy and succeed, "says Jennifer, medical interpreter.

It is only in the end that the advertisement reveals that these people without a surname are in fact Gosar's brothers and sisters. In addition to Grace, David and Jennifer, the other brothers and sisters of Gosar – Joan, Tim and Gaston – also appear in the ad. Gosar has nine brothers and sisters, three of whom do not appear in the advertisement.

PHOTO: Rep. Paul Gosar, right, joins Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue at a monthly meeting of the Western Caucus on Thursday, September 6, 2018.Twitter / @ westerncaucus
The Secretary of State for Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, at a monthly meeting of the Western Caucus, Thursday, September 6, 2018.

Gosar, 59, has represented the 4th district since 2013 and represented the 1st congressional district for a term previously. He has made a host of controversial comments in recent years.

After the death of counter-protector Heather Heyer at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Gosar supported the conspiracy theory that riots were "created by the left" and billionaire George Soros in a interview with VICE News. He also said that Soros, a Democratic fundraiser, collaborated with the Nazis during the Second World War, a claim pushed by far-right expert Alex Jones and InfoWars. Soros and others have condemned this accusation without foundation.

Gosar also boycotted a speech in front of the Congress by Pope Francis in 2015, the only member of Congress to do so, after writing an editorial calling him "leftist" and criticizing his attention to climate change. "make people feel guilty about leftist politics."

As chair of the Western House Caucus, he also played a leading role in the review of the Endangered Species Act.

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