Brown recluse, black widow and other dangerous spiders found in the United States


From a black widow found in a store bought broccoli to a Tennessee woman who claims that her apartment is infested with dozens of brown recluse spiders, these eight-legged creatures can be found by little near anywhere.

Read on to see some of the most venomous spiders found in the United States and what symptoms Appears if you are bitten.

Black widow

  Black widow waiting for death

A black widow spider.


Known for the little red hourglass on her abdomen, the bite of a black widow is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake, according to National Geographic.

In humans, "bites produce muscle pain nausea, and diaphragm paralysis that can make breathing difficult," according to the magazine Black Widow Bites can be fatal for young children and the elderly [19659009] According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), black widows are found throughout the United States, although they are more common in the south and the west of the country. You can find them in piles of wood, on fences and under leaves, but one can also find them are abundant, "according to the CDC.

Brown recluse

  Brown recluse spider on white.

A recluse brown spider.


Similar to the black widow, brown recluse spiders also have a distinct mark. These spiders – usually found in the Midwest or South – have a "fiddle-like (or violin) marking on their head," according to the CDC.

Brown recluse spiders are found in dry, sheltered areas, such as under logs or rocks. Inside houses, however, they usually hide in shoes, closets, attics or garages.


"The recluse brown spider can not bite a form of back pressure, for example, by involuntary contact which traps the spider against the skin, "reports the CDC, adding that bite marks usually appear as a" white blister "and can produce localized pain, a stinging sensation, and sores.

Fun Fact : While most spiders have eight eyes, the brown recluse possesses 6.

Yellow Spider-bag

  Cheiracanthium punctorium, one of the species commonly referred to as yellow spider-bag, is a spider found in Central Europe in Central Asia

A yellow bag spider.


Often appearing as a yellow, white or greenish color, yellow bagged spiders make up the majority of human spider bites. In fact, health professionals sometimes confuse a yellow bag spider bite for a brown recluse.

Yellow-bagged night-spiders are found almost everywhere in the United States, according to the report. University of California, Davis. This spider is known for the "rest bag" that she built, commonly found "in the corners of walls and ceilings, or behind shelves and pictures," according to the university, which also reported that "it can also be seen running on the walls and ceilings at night, and can quickly fall to the ground on a silk wire if disturbed."

Yellow bag spiders are usually found inside and are known to bite without being provoked first.

"Typical symptoms of a bite include an immediate burning sensation followed by a redness and a slight swelling. Sometimes a blister may form at the site of the bite, often by breaking, leaving a wound that heals over a period of several weeks, "according to the University of California, Davis

That said, it is important to note that this arachnid does not inject not his venom every time he bites, and is unable to pierce everyone's skin.

Brown widow spider

  A brown widow spider making her web in Florida.

A brown widow spider .


Native to southern Africa, this spider species can be found in the United States in states such as Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina , Texas, Hawaii and beyond. Florida

Like other arancids, the brown spider can be found on wooden fences, in hollow trees and under construction cornices, among others.

Most brown widow spiders have an orange hourglass shape on the abdomen.


In some cases, a bite of brown widow may be more severe than that of a black widow . However, according to the University of Florida, these spiders are not particularly aggressive – about 15% of the widowhood bites are venom-free.

Symptoms of a brown widow bite may include muscle aches and cramps. among other symptoms

Fox News' Jennifer Earl contributed to this report.

Madeline Farber is a reporter for Fox News. You can follow her on Twitter @MaddieFarberUDK.

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