Brown's recluse spider bite sends woman to the ER after arachnids infest her apartment


When Angela Wright woke up with a pain in her arm and bumps on her body, she visited the doctor to get her strange symptoms checked. But when she began to hallucinate a few days later, she knew something more serious was going on.

Wright, of Brentwood, Tenn., Told the doctors that she was suffering from acute pain in the chest. The doctors said that she had been bitten by a recluse brown spider, and that she was suffering the neurotoxic effects of her venom.

The bite caused the formation of two blood clots in Wright's body, which traveled to his lungs. "I was seconds away from a stroke," Wright told CBS News.

 Brown-recluse-spider A brown recluse spider, similar to the arachnid who bit Angela Wright. Getty Images

Wright said his apartment was infested with spiders.A member of the building management team sprayed his apartment But the spiders have remained. She now lives in another house after she was unable to negotiate with the owner to break the lease. Because of clots caused by spider bites, Wright must take blood thinners for the rest of his life and may not be able to have children, she added.

As its name indicates, brown recluse spiders generally keep themselves for themselves and are found in spaces both inside and out. where they will not be disturbed, according to WebMD. In the United States, they are found mostly in the Midwest or the South and hide in spaces like dark wardrobes, attics or under tree trunks

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are approximately one-quarter to three-quarter-inch in size and are characterized by a fiddle-like pattern.

The harmful symptoms of a bite can take up to two days to develop, and there may even not be a mark on the face.

However, symptoms may include pain or redness at the site of the sting that can turn into a purple ulcer. Fever, chills, joint pain, nausea, feeling weak and, in rare cases, convulsions or coma may occur. If a spider bites you, WedMD advises taking a picture of the spider to show a health care professional.

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