Bryan Singer – Allegations of sexual assault: new article of Esquire


Bryan Singer

Bryan Singer
Photo: Kevin Winter / Getty Images

Bryan Singer preemptively denies the allegations of sexual assault. In a statement posted on Instagram Monday morning, the director announced that a talk about it will be published soon in SquireBut he will only repeat the old charges of sexual assault, which surfaced last year when he was sued for allegedly raping a 17-year-old girl in 2003. (Singer was also accused of forcing minors to undress for movies.In 2014, a man said that Singer had sexually assaulted him when he was a teenager.) Singer continues to deny all allegations. "I have known for some time that Squire the magazine can publish a negative article about me. They contacted my friends, my colleagues and people I do not even know, "wrote Singer. "In today's climate, where simple accusations are hurting people's careers, what Squire Attempting to do is a reckless disregard for the truth, fictitious and irresponsible assumptions. "

The singer says the Squire the article is well synchronized with the publication of Freddie Mercury's biopic Bohemian RhapsodyHe managed, but was fired in December 2017. Singer will retain his achievement credit.

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