Bryce Harper and Manny Machado at the White Sox? Some key ingredients seem to be missing from this rumor


CARLSBAD, California – Manny Machado and Bryce Harper. To the White Sox. Both.

It was Monday's buzz as baseball general managers began to gather in Carlsbad, California, for their annual meetings: the desire to bring the two biggest free agent superstars of the match in the South Side. This is one way to start rebuilding in the overdrive.

While Rick Hahn has spent the last few years telling reporters that the White Socks have a habit of breaking down preconceived ideas – they have embarked on a large-scale reconstruction, they have struck a sensational deal with the Cubs, rivals of Crosstown, and even before all this process. they started spending a lot on Jose Abreu's international signature – it would be a hell of a filming, a sacred modification of carefully prepared reconstruction plans.

The reasoning that Jon Morosi (the national writer who torched the White Sox on Twitter to start the week) explained in his article on which teams might be interested in the services of Machado and Harper:

"After the Phillies (Philadelphia), the White Sox are perhaps the best candidate to pursue both Machado and Harper – although there is no guarantee that they will land either. At the moment, the White Sox are posting the second lowest wage commitment of all MLB teams for 2019. As Jose Abreu enters his final season before the free match, the White Sox need to get the best of their time. a new face of the franchise.

Seriously? The White Sox have a low payroll and "need a new face of the franchise"? That's enough to make it a great candidate for what should be one or two of the biggest contracts in baseball history? It does not seem anywhere near enough, not to mention that it leaves aside some pretty big points.

First, these players must want to come to the White Sox. Machado was discussed as wanting to go to the Bronx and play for the New York Yankees. Harper is the biggest name in the game and he plans to play for one of his most prominent franchises. The White Sox, unlike the Yankees, Cubs, Dodgers and even the rebuilt Phillies, can now win a championship. In most cases, these players can slip into so stacked alignments that they look like dynasties in the making. The White Sox, with their wealth of highly touted prospects, could have that day, but this is not the case today. These four teams, as well as others, can be considered as one of the best teams of the match. The White Sox can only point to the idea of ​​being part of these elite groups.

And that's before mentioning money. The White Sox have a low payroll and could very well commit to spending huge sums on the player or players who will push their rebuilding above their goals. But does that mean that they can or will propose the type of contract that will turn Machado's and Harper's eyes away from some of the biggest spenders in baseball? Can they outbid the Yankees? Outbid the Cubs? The Dodgers? The Phillies?

These are two of the essential ingredients to attract one of the best players in the game, not to mention both, and they have been excluded from the Morosi recipe to blow up the bank on the south side.

In addition to all this, splurging on a pair of free agents this winter, the winter following a direct 100 loss campaign, would be a hell of a shot in this rebuilding process. Hahn's reconstruction plans seemed so carefully prepared and the subject of every conversation is patience. It has become a difficult quality to display in the 2018 season, and many White Sox fans on social media seem ready to leave the rebuilding train following Yoan Moncada's 217 season and operation. Tommy John from Michael Kopech. But with Kopech, Dylan Cease, Robert Luis, Dane Dunning, Nick Madrigal and others, the future remains incredibly bright – if people wait just long enough to get there.

Obviously, signing one or two of the best baseball games would improve this alignment, and with the type of contracts that Machado and Harper should get, it should improve in the long run, period on which Hahn is always concentrated. for the last two years. The mere fact of spending money will not necessarily exploit these reconstruction plans, because all these prospects will still have the opportunity to develop to become the White Sox of the future. But signing Machado and / or Harper would once again burst your contention time, because when you sign a guy like that – not to mention the mind-blowing suggestion of signing two of them – you say you're ready to win now. If not, why would one or the other guy sign it? Machado has already had the opportunity to be the best player on a bad team, and Harper has never really enjoyed baseball baseball because his Washington Nationals have never even joined the NLCS. Should not both of you want to start chasing rings now? Especially after Machado became so close in October with the Dodgers.

Add Machado and Harper to the current White Sox lineup and make it a championship contender? Does it even make a team in playoffs? This team needs to start shooting after the rotation, more players than others in 2018. She needs the help of the concealer after placing 23rd out of 30 major league teams in ERA. Machado and Harper can not do anything more, and how flexible could the Hahn office possibly improve to improve its launcher staff if it distributed $ 500 million to these two types?

A serious look at the White Sox and their chances of attracting two of the biggest players may not be as much fun or video as wild speculation. But that ends up giving the most realistic possibilities.

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