Bryce Harper Free Agency: Nationals Bid $ 300 Million Over 10 Years


The first known major offer from Bryce Harper's long-awaited free agency came from … the team he has been attending throughout his career. This is not a surprise nor the offer that they put on the table. according to Washington Post Chelsea Janes reporter, the Nationals presented a $ 300 million 10-year offer to Harper and his agent, Scott Boras, on the last day of the regular season. Also according to Janes, the offer was not considered insulting, but was refused despite everything.

None of this is really surprising. The Nationals have made sure to stay in the Harper draw by not behaving like idiots so far, and this deal would be the largest AAV of all freestyle players of all time (Alex Rodriguez is the current record holder at $ 27.5 million 10-year contract with the Yankees). But Harper and Boras were never going to accept that, a historically high AAV or not.

Harper is only 26 years old and Boras has made it clear that he is aiming for at least another $ 100 million. It's not like the owners do not have the money and Harper is not worth it. So, knowing all this, what were the nationals trying to do here?

The offer "good … we tried"

The Nationals had the intelligence to keep their discussions with Harper respectful throughout his last season and his free entry. So far, they have played fairly and kept the largest number of behind-the-scenes discussions that need to continue. Whenever possible, the media constantly asks for updated information from both sides.

Everyone knows that Harper loves D.C. and that the national, in theory, would like to get it back because he is Bryce Harper. But at the high price asked by Boras? Or for that period of time? When they do not know what other important pieces they can really put around at this point in the team's success cycle? When you take that into account, it could be an offer that, she knew, would be rejected but still beautiful, from an optical point of view.

The term "non-insulting" is important here, because if they cast $ 200 million over 7 years, they were rejected, then raised their hands and said, "That's it! Goodbye Bryce! Sorry for our fans! "It would have been far too transparent. If it was a good offer to save face when they let Harper go, they had to make it credible and they did it.

A legitimate final offer

If this was the first and last offer that the Nationals intended to present to Harper with the firm belief that he would accept it, then they could switch to the insulting region. Knowing that Boras was asking for much more and that it was a season that both parties knew that even if Harper loved the city, it would still take a lot to keep it there, putting this deal on the table and waiting to what's enough would be really silly by Washington.

Giancarlo Stanton holds the Guaranteed Money Record Record at $ 325 Million and Zack Greinke the AVA Record with $ 34.4 Million. These two transactions were concluded three seasons ago. Acting as they would not be reasonably obliged to go beyond one or the other. things are delusional at the limit.

That is why this is the most unlikely case, and it is a credit to the nationals that their office has managed to prevent the harmful owners from lowering prices for the moment. There would be no faster sign that they were trying to sign one of the most wanted free agents for years because they would not pay the money unless they sent the message that they were considering it as such. the end-all, be-all offers. But that does not look like the current situation.

A starting offer

The contract contained no opt-out option, player or team. In addition to timing, before Harper becomes independent and begins to look at other offers, the lack of waivers and the record bid of the technically low AVA from Boras indicate that the national wants to be present but are not. show all their cards so early.

Washington knows that no matter what Harper is testing free agencies. This is his only chance to do it. It would therefore make no sense to reveal their final offer at the first stage, or not to make one at all. A $ 30-million, 10-year AAV shows Harper Camp that he is ready to go for it, forcing other teams to defeat him or give Harper an offer worthy of the one he wants to protect .

More importantly, this offer means that both parties stay in touch while other teams engage in the conversation. By excluding opt-outs, they can begin negotiations from an open place where both sides have to indicate their preferences for money, years and the most delicate details such as options. team and player and the moment they fall into the contract.

The Washington reception has put its money where it is and supported a season of passion from Harper with a reasonable opening offer that has not spoiled their bargaining position or moved their star away. Table. This also guarantees the first goal here, without irritating fans who want to see their team try to keep winning instead of scoring for the next seasons.

Harper might not come back to Washington – the money could possibly become too unmanageable to allow the Nationals to stick to the negotiations – but that at least guarantees the team will look good looking. ;he leaves. Sincerely for a first offer, they managed to play it well if they wanted to keep the communication channels open.

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