Bucky Barnes was almost very different in Avengers: Infinity War


Marvel is considered a costume inspired by Wakand elements (photo: Marvel Studios)

Bucky Barnes, or the white wolf, had almost a completely different look in Avengers: Infinity War, inspired by traditional Wakand elements.

The character of Sebastian Stan had a lot of bad luck in the film world Marvel, turning into a winter soldier against his will throughout the series Captain America.

Things began to attract him when it was revealed that he had fled to Wakanda, healed by Shuri, as was shown at the end of Black Panther.

In Infinity War, he did what he did best and joined his superhero friends to beat Thanos.

However, an art book for Avengers: Infinity War revealed that he was initially ready to wear a costume more inspired by traditional Wakandan elements.

Introducing some different concepts for the outfit, it is clear that Marvel has considered some options, before finally choosing a look similar to that of comics.

The Infinity War art book shows a few different concepts for the look (Image: Marvel)

Benedict Cumberbatch also recently discussed Dr. Strange's fate in Infinity War and, well, things do not seem to be going well.

After the characters were reduced to dust in the last devastating act, the fans settled the situation by refusing everything and assuming that they were going to be saved in the next installment of the series.

Yes, we guys too.

However, Benoît made it clear that he was not going to reassure anyone.

"I'm dust, baby," he says, addressing Jimmy Fallon at the Tonight Show.

More: wonder

"I'm right there, I'm in the ether, I'm probably part of your food chain, I'm in your stomach somewhere.

Do not worry about letting us down slowly then.

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