Buffalo DL & W Terminal Behind Kelly Machine Gun Track – The Buffalo News


The rapper from Cleveland, Machine Gun Kelly, set fire to social media with the release of his dissertation disc, "Rap Devil", last week, where he spent about five minutes on an elaborate wrecking demolition. Eminem.

What was most surprising, though, is that Buffalo's DL & W Terminal in Cobblestone, on the corner of Illinois Street and South Park Avenue behind KeyBank Center, is one of two backgrounds for the video clip. controversial.

The building now vacant behind Kelly – as he discovers something in a polystyrene bowl – is the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Terminal, better known as the DL & W Terminal, inaugurated in 1917 and dismantled in 1979. The train remains however.

As part of the rebirth of the Buffalo waterfront, several projects have already been considered for the site – a public market, a transportation museum and a casino, for example – but current redevelopment plans are slowly taking shape. A recent News editorial highlighted the importance of the vision for the future of the old station.

[Photos: DL&W Terminal, past and present]

Watch the video below, but be warned that the language is not safe for the job and not for those who are sensitive to blasphemy (somewhere, Marty Biron knowingly agrees).

The day the video aired, Machine Gun Kelly was the first to open a KeyBank Center show called Fall Out Boy. News contributor, Ben Siegel, has reviewed the show, dedicating only two concise sentences to the MGK ensemble.

"A left-hand turn of the Machine Gun Kelly opening group, an amateur of Eminem who has spent a lot of time inviting and worshiping." I am the god of gold, he repeated. I think we know which side of the Siegel beef stands.

For those who are interested in the background of the quarrel between the two rappers, Billboard has had a long look.

In addition to the Rust Belt rivalry between Kelly's Cleveland and Shady's Detroit, Eminem has created a small outpost in Buffalo, Shady Records having officially partnered with Griselda Records, the Westside Gunn label, Conway and Benny the Butcher. The rappers of Queen City.

[Related: See Conway in action at the Anti-Venue Tour, last weekend]

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