Buffaloes Colorado football blown by Utah at frozen Folsom Field


BOULDER – In the lead-up to sending the 500th game to Folsom Field, Ralphie has not completed his usual pre-match series because of the intense cold, while the seats The stadium was half empty and attacking coach Mike MacIntyre led the faded Buffaloes to the field.

Not really golden history.

And so the day went. Despite another quick lead in Colorado, the final scoreboard matched the soothing atmosphere prevailing before the game, but the back of the stadium was marred by a sixth consecutive loss as Colorado fell 30- 7 on Utah.

With this defeat, the Buffs (2-6, 5-6 Pac-12) need a win on the road against Cal in the final of the season next week to become eligible for the bowl.

The energy of the game was at the beginning, but neither side was able to seize it. At the send-off – with the home student section consisting of some frozen guys in banana suits – Colorado and Utah traded their traded possessions twice. Each offense got the better of his opponents, as the teams could not get any impetus while the temporary workers were hovering in their mid-twenties.

But Colorado first managed to get out of the stalemate, thanks to two big penalties inflicted on the Utes.

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