Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway breaks with tradition with two investments in fintech


Buffett's holding company is best known for investing in US giants such as IBM, Coca-Cola and Wells Fargo. It reversed a long-standing aversion to airlines by taking stakes in four major carriers, including Delta and American. Although Berkshire has kept clear of the early days of technology, these fintech companies dominate their local markets, a theme that matches Buffett's earlier investment criteria.

Buffett has long claimed that the technology was outside his area of ​​expertise. Before joining Berkshire eight years ago, however, Combs had extensive experience in payments. She managed a financial fund-focused hedge fund called Castle Point Capital. He now sits on the Paytm Board of Directors after the Berkshire Investment and sits on the J. Morgan Board of Directors.

Berkshire has not completely avoided technology. He has been buying shares in Apple since 2016. At the end of June, he owned 251 million shares as the second largest shareholder of Apple.

– Read the entire Wall Street Journal report here.

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