Bulawayo cholera cases rise to five – The Zimbabwe Mail


Nesisa Mpofu

Two more patients were sent yesterday to Thorngrove Hospital for further evaluation after developing suspected cholera symptoms.

This brings to five the number of possible cases of cholera in the city after three people were quarantined Friday in the facility treating infectious diseases after developing symptoms of waterborne diseases. The two people, who were referred yesterday, were initially admitted to United Bulawayo hospitals. Ms. Nonhlanhla Ndlovu, Executive Director of UBH, said last night that she referred patients to an assessment.

"The patients were screened and sent there for further assessments," she said.

However, the clinical director of Mpilo Central Hospital, Mr. Solwayo Ngwenya, said that there had been no suspected case of cholera.

"To date, we have no recommendations or cases sent to the Infectious Disease Hospital. What we encourage is that residents remain extremely vigilant during this period, as cholera is a very fast spreading disease. By the time we start passing stool of rice water, they have to get treatment because cholera dehydrates a person very quickly, "he said.

Ngwenya said the locals should not wait for a second bout of diarrhea to attack them in a health facility by telling them that they might die of dehydration. He encouraged better personal hygiene and said that people should not buy cooked food from vendors because it is likely to be contaminated during this time.

The Bulawayo City Council said it would only confirm today whether the three patients quarantined Friday were suffering from cholera or typhoid. In a statement, Ms. Nesisa Mpofu, public relations officer of the local authority, said the tests would help confirm whether the cases were cholera, typhoid or neither.

"We are waiting for the results because the tests last about 48 hours, but we call on locals to maintain high levels of hygiene," Ms Mpofu said.

She said the council is now educating the public about efforts to prevent the spread of the disease in the city.

"Residents are advised to ensure that they practice the highest levels of hygiene by drinking tap water, washing their hands after visiting the toilet, washing fruits." and vegetables and avoiding shaking hands gatherings.

It should be noted that some patients may have both typhoid and cholera. It is therefore important to read the signs and symptoms of both diseases.

Thorngrove Hospital is ready to admit suspected or confirmed cases of cholera, "Ms Mpofu said.

Bulawayo was relatively spared from the cholera outbreak that swept through the country in 2008-2009, mainly because of its disaster preparedness programs and its stringent enforcement of environmental and health regulations. Midland officials said they managed to contain cholera after successfully treating and discharging 10 patients in Gokwe North who contracted the waterborne disease.

The 10 cases were related to Harare.

Dr. Simon Nyadundu, Midlands Provincial Medical Director, said the 10 cases had been treated and patients had been treated and discharged. Dr. Nyadundu said that 10 suspected cases of cholera had been reported in North Gokwe, after people from the area interacted with people from Harare.

"We saw 10 cases of cholera reported in the province. Patients were treated and discharged. We managed to contain it and react quickly.

"Six cases were reported in Gokwe Gumunyu Sunday, while two others were reported Monday in Gokwe Siamuchembu.

Tuesday we had two more. All these cases are related to Harare. The first four cases recorded during the weekend concerned people who had gone to Harare. Both cases in Siamuchembu, we admitted a woman and her child to Mutora Hospital Nembudziya. The two men came from a room in the Sanyati area where they met family members from Harare. However, all patients improved with oral fluids and we managed to treat them and release them, "he said.

Dr. Nyadundu said that the Ministry of Health and Child Protection had already set up a cholera treatment camp in Gokwe North, at Mutora Hospital, as part of its interventions. . He said the province was now on cholera alert. Dr. Nyadundu said the Midlands remain at high risk due to their central geographic location.

"Our situation is still under control and we have set up treatment and isolation camps in Gokwe North. We want to urge people with diarrhea or abdominal problems to seek medical treatment quickly, "he said.

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