Bulgarian journalist found brutally murdered in a park


MArinova was the administrative director of the small TVN private television station Ruse and had recently launched a new talk show called "Detector".

The first episode of the September 30 broadcast aired interviews with investigative journalists Dimitar Stoyanov of the Bivol.bg website and Attila Biro of the Romanian Rise Project project, about an investigation into an alleged fraud with European funds tied to businessmen and politicians.

The two men were briefly arrested by the police, under the condemnation of Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

"We are in shock, and in no way, in any way, have we ever received any threats against it or against television," a TVN journalist under the seal told AFP. anonymity, adding that his colleagues and he feared for their safety. .

In a statement on their Facebook page, Bivol.bg insisted that Marinova's colleagues be protected by the police.

A journalist is killed on average every week in the world, according to figures collected by RSF.

Among the most recent high-profile cases, Maltese anti-corruption blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, who died in a car bomb attack outside her home in October 2017, and the main Slovakian journalist Jan Kuciak, shot dead at home in February with his fiancée.

Bulgaria dropped to 111th place in RSF's annual annual press freedom ranking in 2018 – the lowest among the EU member states.

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