Bulldogs in good health: the health of men: the cancers that affect you


Hi guys!

You have unique health problems.

Like any machine, our bodies need regular maintenance to be able to diagnose problems quickly and keep our engines running in the long run.

Men have several unique health problems that they should know and know how to solve. Let's take a closer look.

Testicular cancer

Did you know that testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men between the ages of 15 and 35?

In the United States, about one in 250 men will develop testicular cancer at some point in their lives.

The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 33 years old.

Symptoms of testicular cancer include enlargement or enlargement of the testis, a change in consistency, a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, a dull pain in the lower abdomen, a sudden accumulation of fluid in the scrotum, pain or discomfort in the testicle or scrotum enlargement or tenderness in the breasts.

If you notice the above, you should probably start with a self-examination.

You do not know where to start? There are many videos available online explaining how to check your testicles.

If you continue to think you have a problem, make an appointment with your doctor.

Your doctor will begin by collecting a health history and identifying possible risk factors.

Risk factors include undescended testis, abnormally developed testicles, and personal or family history of testicular cancer.

After a physical examination, they may ask you to have an ultrasound or a blood test. All these elements will be taken into account before a diagnosis is made.

Prostate cancer

Did you know that prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men of all ages (after skin cancer)?

About 164,690 new cases will be diagnosed this year.

Prostate cancer will be diagnosed in one in nine men during their lifetime.

Symptoms of prostate cancer include burning or pain during urination, difficulty urinating or difficulty starting and stopping while urinating, more frequent urges to urinate at night, loss of bladder control, decreased flow or speed of urinary flow or blood in the urine.

Unfortunately, no self-examination can determine the diagnosis.

You must consult a doctor to determine the source of your problem. They will do a physical exam and you will eventually have a blood test.

If your doctor detects an abnormality, he / she may recommend additional tests.

You can reduce your risk of prostate cancer by choosing a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, by choosing healthy foods rather than supplements, by exercising almost every day of the week and by maintaining a healthy diet. healthy weight.

Do not panic

There are many other reasons why you could have any of the above symptoms.

If you have any concerns, make an appointment with a doctor.

Early detection is essential for a good prognosis. With early detection, the five-year survival rate can approach 99%!

During the month of November, consider participating in one of the national organizations, such as the Movember Movement or November without shaving, which promotes discussion and awareness about these unique types of cancers in men, as well as support for men's mental health.

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