Bullseye in the comics' Daredevil & # 39; target Matt Murdock for decades


Besides Kingpin of Wilson Fisk, the most notable villain of the Daredevil The universe is Bullseye and season 3 of the Netflix series will finally present this enemy of Matt Murdock. Bullseye in the Daredevil The comic is an unruly assassin with extreme precision. He has been fighting Daredevil since his introduction in 1976. Daredevil No. 131, so there are several iterations of this character. Whatever version of Bullseye is in the comic book, its origins are usually rather mysterious. But Daredevil Season 3 is about to change all this by giving Bullseye a story worthy of its status as a big bad guy when it premiered on October 19th.

All the way back in the sixth episode of Daredevil Season 1, Bullseye appeared to appear briefly as a sniper for Fisk. However, season 3 wants you to forget that the Easter egg of season 1 as a new showrunner, Erik Oleson, gives a different story for Bullseye as FBI agent, Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter. Wilson Bethel represents Dex, who catches Fisk's attention with his fighting skill during an ambush. In the overview below, Dex claims that the FBI has kept him "in the right way", but he is accused of killing two men who had gone to him. Fisk sees this darkness in Dex and notices: "I've never seen a talent like yours." Kingpin then sends Dex disguised as Daredevil to mess with Matt.

Vulture narrated the story of Bullseye's comic and noted that he had had many identities over the years – but not a lot of background. When Bullseye hires other criminals to find and kill Daredevil in 1979 Daredevil No. 159, Bullseye passes by the pseudonym of Mr. Poindexter. During this bow, Bullseye reveals to his psychiatric hospital therapist that he killed his own father at the age of 14 years after years of abuse. Bullseye then captures Black Widow to annoy Daredevil since Natasha and Matt were sometimes partners (and sometimes lovers) in the comics.

Another memorable story of Bullseye begins in Daredevil # 169. One of the first pages says: "It bears many names.One of them is Bullseye.For profession, he is a killer to rent.And even among his professional colleagues, he is feared. " Daredevil goes to the psychiatric hospital where Bullseye has just escaped and the doctors inform him of how he became more erratic and violent because of a brain tumor. This brain tumor makes him hallucinate that everyone is Daredevil and as Bullseye escaped walks to New York, he kills innocents as a result of these delusions.

Bullseye and Daredevil had another epic battle in the 181 issue of 1982. As reported on the Major Spoilers website, the Punisher told Bullseye in prison that Kingpin had found a new high-level assassin – Elektra, the only one in the world. complex love interest of Daredevil. Bullseye escapes and kills Elektra while she tries to kill Foggy. (If you remember Ben Affleck Daredevil Bullseye also kills Elektra in this film.) Elektra dies in Matt's arms and Bullseye establishes the bond between Matt and Daredevil.

He reports this news to his boss Kingpin, but Fisk does not believe it and orders Bullseye to bring him Daredevil's body. When Bullseye and Daredevil argue, Matt seems to allow Bullseye to die. But Bullseye survives with a broken back and even more hatred for Daredevil.

While Bullseye in Daredevil will work for Kingpin, the series can only get him to kill Elektra since she was the Black Sky The defenders. But Black Widow and Elektra were not the only love interests of Matt Murdock that Bullseye had killed in the comics. In the 1998 Marvel Knights comics version, Bullseye attacks the church where Sister Maggie works. (Sister Maggie is a new character from season 3, who was teased at the end of The defendersSister Maggie survived, but Bullseye killed Karen Page with Daredevil's own weapon in this battle.

A version of Bullseye by Benjamin Poindexter also appears in the comics Ultimate Marvel of the 2000s. But in an interview with Screen Rant, the showrunner Oleson says he is inspired by the Born again and Guardian Devil slices of the comic. As CBR.com has noted, Born again deals with Kingpin sending an imposter Daredevil to kill Foggy. While this impostor was not Bullseye, the man who never fails will imitate Daredevil in a future comic. And Screen Rant explained how the Guardian Devil The connection should make the fans a little nervous since it's the comedy where Bullseye kills Karen.

Oleson and Bethel spoke to Bustle before the Daredevil First season on the origins of Bullseye in comics. "The character obviously existed as a frame in the comics," explains Bethel. "But unlike Matt Murdock or Karen Page or other characters who live in the Daredevil and in the larger universe of Marvel, I do not know if Bullseye has ever had a real story or a deep look at what he is and what motivates him. "The actor notes how Oleson was able to" essentially create "Bullseye for the series and Oleson adds that Bullseye has a" brilliant home story "in the television series.

Nicole Rivelli / Netflix

The Comic Vine profile on Bullseye offers some additional antecedents on the villain. It is said that Bullseye and his brother tried to kill their violent father in a house fire and were sent to foster care. Another is that Bullseye was a talented baseball player, as the blog The Baseball Continuum explains. So, Oleson could have drawn from these comic stories to enlighten his version of Bullseye.

It does not matter how much Daredevil Season 3's inspired comics when it comes to Bullseye, this villain is going to be bad news for Daredevil. But even knowing this, it will be more than exciting to finally see Daredevil as Bullseye's target.

Additional report by Rebecca Patton.

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