Bullseye joins Netflix's Daredevil for season 3


Marvel and Netflix unveiled a new trailer for the third season of Daredevil earlier this week, and held a panel for the show at New York Comic Con Saturday. The trailer teases Daredevil The villainous Bullseye, who is both a fan favorite and a force to be reckoned with, while at the panel, the cast and crew have explored the impact of the film. introduction of the classic villain on the series.

The main cast of Daredevil Arrived on stage, not only to answer questions from the audience, but also to talk about the new dynamics within the cast. Newcomers to the third season include Maggie (described by Joanne Whalley) and Constable Nadeem (described by Jay Ali).

Spoilers coming for the third season of Daredevil.

In comic books, Bullseye's origins are unknown or vaguely suggested. One of those origins is that it was a burglar by the name of Benjamin Poindexter, who eventually worked for Kingpin. The version of the character by Netflix is ​​a riff about it: during the panel, the actor Wilson Bethel – who plays "the agent n ° 2 of the FBI" confirmed that his character would become Bullseye.

Jeph Loeb of Marvel Television notes that the character will not start with Bullseye. On the contrary, the pivot (Vincent D'Onofrio) will bribe the FBI special agent and manipulate him to help him participate in his vendetta against Daredevil. Once the Poindexter agent "wins" the character, Loeb noted, this one would be revealed to the viewers.

The transformation of Poindexter into Bullseye and the manipulation orchestrated by Fisk will throw into chaos the existing relationship between Matt Murdock / Daredevil (Charlie Cox) and his allies, as he faces Daredevil for a series of violent attacks.

Bullseye has already been seen on the screen: in Ben Affleck's 2003 film Daredevilhe was played by Colin Ferrel, who was hired by the king to kill the father of Elektra Natchios. Bullseye appears in a generic film scene, preparing for a potential sequel, but after the film and its spin-off Elektra were almost universally removed, they never moved forward.

The third season of Marvel's Daredevil prime ministers exclusively on Netflix on October 19th.

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