Burger King uses Kanye Tweet to get McDonald's feud up


Burger King viral Tweet beginning

Nowadays, many of the big fast-food brands are showing some degree of social media killing (see: here, here, here, here), but the British branch of Burger King is more ferocious than most others on Twitter. Yesterday, the brand decided to use a tweet from Kanye West to drag his enemy of forever, McDonald's.

Until now, this message has received over $ 650K, I like, prompting a follow-up tweet: "If we knew it was going to explode, we would have made a dull noise." The fact that West admits he loves McDonalds should not surprise us because he wrote a poem on the channel two years ago. But the mega-star of hip-hop also seems to be a fan of several other chains: West bought franchise rights for 10 Fatburger stores in Chicago a few years ago, and he also bought his wife Kim Kardashian the necessary rights to open a shop. group of Burger King outposts in the UK (although Business Insider notes that the duo never opened any of them)

New vaccine could help people with celiac disease eat gluten

Scientists at the Massachusetts-based pharmaceutical company ImmusanT are developing a vaccine that could help stop the inflammation that occurs when people with celiac disease consume gluten. Food and wine notes that the drug, Nexvax2, was tested for the first time in 2011 and proved to be safe. ImmusanT recently received $ 40 million in funding to begin a second round of testing. Even if everything goes as planned, we still do not know when this vaccine could be available for patients with celiac disease.

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