Burger King worker fired after racist at drive-thru customer


A Burger King worker lost her job after her racist rant against two customers was caught on camera.

The young black woman, who has not been identified, was seen shouting at the Hispanic couple who were speaking to a manager at the drive-thru.

The worker incorrectly thought the couple were white and ugly in their face.

The pair had complained that the manager had been touching his phone while making their food and asking for their money back.

The video was filmed on October 3, but was only uploaded to social media last week.

The worker can be heard saying: "Put it on Snapchat b *** h. F ** k you! You white piece of s ** t."

The worker was shouting at the customers

They were getting a refund at the time

The right man, telling her they are not white, but Hispanic as the manager appears to shut the building's window.

But second time the younger worker pushes it back again and shouts the couple getting their refund.

The woman in the car replies: "At least I'm not working in Burger King."

To which the worker adds: "I have two parents, I go to school, This job, the money I make it to blow up, so it does not matter!"

The video went viral and the worker was later on the North Miami Beach branch of the fast food restaurant.

She shouted: "F ** k you! You white piece of s ** t"

She was sacked from the Miami branch of Burger King

A Burger King spokesman told the Miami Herald: "The actions of this team member do not reflect the values ​​of the Burger King brand.

"We have a zero tolerance policy for this type of behavior, and the individual is no longer with the company."

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