Burger King's 'Nightmare King' will make you have bad dreams?


Watching this burger may be enough to give you nightmares of fast food.

He has a moldy green bun, after all.

This Halloween-themed hamburger – known as the "Nightmare King" – will be in some Burger King restaurants for a limited time later this month. But beware, this hamburger does not just look scary.

"The King of Nightmares increases your chances of nightmares by 3.5 times," Burger King said in a YouTube video promoting the hamburger. This corresponds to the results of a "clinical study", the statement said.

The fast food chain has proven that it worked to prove that the king of nightmares can give you nightmares because of his "unique structure". The hamburger includes a "protein blend such as bacon, chicken and beef", as well as oozing cheese.

"The assumption was that this new burger could cause nightmares," the brand said. "So the brand BURGER KING® is turned to science to validate that."

And this, according to a press release of the brand:

"BURGER brand KING® creates a sandwich at Halloween clinically proven to cause nightmares."

In partnership with Paramount Trials, Florida Sleep and Neuro Diagnostic Services, Inc. and Goldforest Inc., Burger King conducted a scientific clinical sleep study with 100 participants (or victims) for 10 nights, according to the press release.

Each participant ate the king of nightmares before going to bed, the states of liberation, and doctors and scientists followed various signals while they slept.

"According to previous studies, 4% of the population would experience nightmares every night," said Jose Gabriel Medina, a specialist somnologist and senior study physician, according to the statement. "But, after eating the king of nightmares, data from the study indicated that the incidence of nightmares was multiplied by 3.5."

In the promotional video, a participant said that someone in her dream had turned into a hamburger with green bread.

"The hamburger is then turned into a snake," she said.

Another participant said that extraterrestrials had started attacking the boat he was in during his bad dream.

In the statement, Medina said the hamburger could cause nightmares because of the protein / cheese combination. He said that this led to "an interruption of subject cycles (rapid eye movements) of the subject, during which we experience the majority of our dreams".

But how scientific was this clinical study? And can we trust them?

Maybe not, according to LiveScience.

"In fact, the study commissioned by the hamburger chain to determine whether the nightmares of chicken burger, beef and bacon cooked green, was not designed to prove anything, clinically or not," declared LiveScience. "And the little data available on food and nightmares suggests that if something happens, fast food should reduce bad dreams."

A study published in 2015 in Frontiers of Psychology found that people who preferred fast food actually reported fewer dreams and nightmares than those who preferred organic foods.

"Participants who expressed a preference for fast foods reported a less common dream recall, as well as a reduced number of recurring dreams, nightmares and sexual dreams," the study said.

In a 2015 article on Psychology Today, Michelle Carr of Dream Factory tried to determine if certain foods could cause bad dreams.

"Although the authors have found evidence that people believe that food can cause bizarre or disturbing dreams, most often accusing dairy products, it remains to be seen whether these dreams are actually caused by" the power of cheese "or simply by dishonest beliefs, "she wrote. .

LiveScience also reports that, since the 100 participants ate the hamburgers, there was no control group for the comparison.

"In the absence of a control group, the study can not prove anything about the burger's effects on nightmares," LiveScience said. Control groups are "an essential part of the scientific method," wrote Matheus Melo Pithon in Evidence-based Orthodontics.

Be that as it may, Burger King remains true to the clinical study and the brand leaves its customers the following statement:

"Warning: Proceed at your own risk. You have been warned. "

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