Busy Philipps and Ellen DeGeneres say they have been sexually assaulted


08h23 PDT on the 03/10/2018


Katherine Schaffstall

"When I saw her tell the truth after 30 years, I was as if she were 25 and I can do it," said Philipps about Christine Blasey's incentive to Ford to explain on his own rape.

Busy Philipps said she was raped at the age of 14 during a visit The Ellen DeGeneres show Wednesday. Last week, the actress told her story on Instagram in light of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Philipps details the rape in his future memoirs, It will only hurt a little. "I have been waiting all my life for someone asking me to write a book about myself," said Philipps. "I wanted it to be a little revealing because I have the impression that there are some fun stories in Hollywood – I've been an actor in this area since the age of 19 and there are all these fun things – but I was also really interested in where I come from and sort of harder things in my life than I faced.

"Last week, at the Kavanaugh Hearings, I saw Dr. Ford speaking and writing about my own rape experience at age 14 and I was so moved by his courage." "It was not something I felt as if I were about to explode on social media, but when I saw it tell the truth after 30 years, I was Was like it was 25 years old for me and I can do it. "

She continued, "We can all do that and I feel that it's political, whatever you believe, I think it's a real moment of consideration for the women we have collectively borne this burden for so long and that it is time to share it. "This statement earned Philipps a salvo of applause from both the host and the public.

"It was difficult and really scary," she said of sharing her story. The Instagram publication, which includes a picture of Phillips at age 14, appeared on the screen. "I have a 10 year old child, so when I look at this baby, I'm like seeing my child."

When DeGeneres pointed out how horrible his experience was, Philipps replied: "This is unfortunately the most banal horror."

The facilitator then stated that she was also a survivor of sexual assault. "I was 15 years old and something had happened and when I watched Dr. Ford, anyone who had anything to happen to them, you are so angry when someone Do not believe yourself or say: "Why did you wait so long?" she says. "It's because we are girls and we have been taught to say nothing and to continue."

DeGeneres then asked the audience members to raise their hands if they had already been sexually assaulted. Although the camera did not show audience members, DeGeneres noted that some people may not have felt comfortable raising their hands.

"I do not know if I would have until the end, you know, I mean, it's been a long time since I'm struggling with that," Philipps said. "And even when I wrote the chapter of my book, I had in mind an evacuation plan, namely that he was not obliged to appear in the book. if I panicked and did not want to give him birth. "

"I'm so sorry that it happened, I'm so sorry that it all happened to us," she continued. "We can do better for our children and the next generation and we will do it, right?"

Philipps also explained why it had taken him so long to tell what had happened to his family. "I told my parents and my older sister five months ago, at the end of the book, that I was at peace with the fact that I was going to tell my truth," he said. she said. The actress added that her mother felt that she had not managed to protect her daughter. "But I was like:" But mom, you're really the hero of my book, as if she really was, she was there for me and without her, I would not be sitting here with you."

"I think this conversation needs to go further and that people should first teach your children to talk, never keep something inside and never be ashamed and think that it is safe. is your problem and your fault, "concluded DeGeneres at the end of the interview. "Because it's never your fault, you were a child."

Look at the full interview below.

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