Busy Philipps says in her memoirs that James Franco assaulted her on the set of "Freaks and Geeks"


Busy Philipps has a brief on the way next week and a talk show scheduled for the end of the month on E! In the meantime, there is flat.

I have loved Philipps since his perfect turn as Kim Kelly in "Freaks and Geeks", a bullish bully in an unstable relationship with Daniel Dasario of James Franco. Kim and Daniel were the monsters in whose orbit our heroine, Lindsay (Linda Cardellini), was drawn. But it turns out that if the series was a marvel of a season, Philipps' working relationship with Franco was not fantastic. In his memoir, "It will only hurt a bit", Philipps calls Franco "a tyrant", with an unprintable adjective in front of the word.

She claims to have acted while filming a scene. He had been asked to gently hit him on the chest during one of his lines, but when she did, he became angry. "He grabbed my arms and shouted in my face," NEVER TOUCH ME AGAIN! She writes. "And he threw me to the ground. Flat on the back The wind hit me.

Philipps was upset and she called her manager. The next day, the director and the producers asked Franco to apologize, what he did. But he has never been punished, according to Philipps. In 2016, Philipps told Andy Cohen, the show's host "Look What's Happening Live," that Franco and her "were really bored of a nightmare". ;other".

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This week, Philipps has developed his feelings in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "At the time, at the age of 19, and with my first professional actor job, I had the impression that it was so that things were happening, "she said. "James and I have talked about it over the years. At one point, he apologized to me. I was always very aware of my use, and I felt that I needed never to complain, to always arrive at the time and not be difficult. If someone was difficult, it was my job to be easy or find a way to appease the situation. "

This is not the first time Franco has been accused of misconduct. In 2014, a series of texts showed him trying to seduce a 17-year-old Scottish girl in front of a Broadway theater. And earlier this year, he was charged with sexual misconduct by four students from the film school that he founded and a woman who said he was his mentor. Franco denied the allegations.

Matthew Gilbert can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ MatthewGilbert.

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