Buzz Aldrin files a complaint against his children for misuse of his finances


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ORLANDO, Florida – Buzz Aldrin is suing two of his children and a former corporate director, accusing them of abusing his credit cards, transferring money from an account and the slandering by saying that he is suffering from dementia.

The Aldrin lawsuit filed earlier this month in a Florida state court asked a judge to remove his son, Andrew, from control of his financial affairs, social media accounts and of several non-profit companies. Andrew Aldrin had been trustee of his father's trust. Buzz Aldrin, 88, said in the lawsuit that despite the revocation of the power of attorney that he had given to his son, Andrew Aldrin continued to make financial decisions for him.

"In particular, the defendant Andrew Aldrin, as a trustee, does not inform the plaintiff of current or future commercial transactions, removes large sums of money from the plaintiffs' accounts and continues to represent the applicant in his commercial and social functions despite repeated requests from the applicant. ", said the lawsuit.

Aldrin accused his daughter, Janice, in the lawsuit of not acting in his financial interests and conspiracy, and he accused his former manager, Christina Korp, of fraud, exploitation of the elderly and the 39, unjust enrichment. Several family-run businesses and foundations are also named in the lawsuit.

The eldest son of Aldrin, James, is not involved in the legal fight.

In a statement, Andrew and Janice Aldrin said that they were saddened by the "unjustifiable" lawsuit.

"If nothing else, our family is resilient and our ability to work together to solve problems and accomplish great things is strong," said Aldrin children. "We love and respect our father a lot and keep hope that we can rise above this situation and rediscover the strong relationship that built this foundation in the first place."

They said that they would have no further comment.

Aldrin was a member of the Apollo 11 crew who landed the first two humans on the moon. Aldrin joined Neil Armstrong on the lunar surface in July 1969. Earlier this month, Aldrin was at the White House for the announcement of President Donald Trump ordering the Pentagon to create the "Space Force" as a new branch military.

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