Caitlin Marriott, Hassan Hassan's intern, hung for screaming – you''re to President Trump


A congressional intern who shouted an obscenity to President Trump on Capitol Hill last week was suspended.

The incident took place on June 19, while Trump was traveling to the office of Speaker of the House, Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), To discuss immigration, according to a video taken by NBC News reporter Frank Thorp V.

In the video, while Trump's entourage crosses a corridor, a woman can be heard screaming "Mr. Speaker!" – followed by a profane insult.

The woman, who was on the other side of the Capitol Rotunda at the time, was identified as a trainee working for Senator Maggie Hassan (DN.H.), confirmed a spokesman for the office of the Senator.

"We are aware of the situation and have taken disciplinary action, including a one-week suspension and revoking his trainee ID (thus restricting his access to the Capitol), in response to his violation of the rules of respectful and appropriate conduct, "Hassan spokesman Aaron Jacobs said in an email. "We also facilitated contact with the Capitol police."

Hassan's office representatives identified the trainee as Caitlin Marriott.

Marriott could not be reached immediately on Tuesday. His suspension was reported Monday night by the Hill.

The profane exclamation occurred over a week that resulted in emotionally charged debates about how Trump administration officials can and should be treated in public.

Last Tuesday – the very evening of the trainee's explosion inside the Capitol – protesters from the Democratic Socialists of South America converged on a local Mexican restaurant where Kirstjen Nielsen, head of the department's Homeland Security, was eating and shame. Shame! "And" End of the separation of the family! "

Then, on Friday night, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen, a small farmhouse restaurant located in Lexington, Virginia, about 200 miles from Washington. The restaurant's owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, said she had questioned her kitchen staff, who was in agreement that Sanders was working at the service of an administration that was "inhumane and contrary to the law." "Ethics," as reported by Avi Selk and Sarah Murray of The Washington Post.

"I'm not a big fan of confrontation," Wilkinson told the Post the next morning. "I have a business and I want the business to be successful – it's like the moment of our democracy where people have to take uncomfortable steps and make decisions to defend their morals."

Sanders and his group left the restaurant politely, said Wilkinson. The press secretary later tweeted about the incident, triggering a real debate over whether the restaurant's request was acceptable – as well as a Trump's tweet slamming the red hen like "dirty".

Soon, other institutions across the country, also known as the Red Hen, were receiving hate messages and even death threats.

The debate shows no signs of slowing down. At a Saturday rally, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) Called on people opposed to Trump to harass his Cabinet members when they see them in public.

"The American people have endured this president long enough, what else do we need to see, what other lies do we need to hear?" Says Waters. "If you see any of this Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you go out and you create a crowd, and you push them back!"

His speech, in conjunction with last week's incidents, has spawned innumerable arguments about the fate of civility in the United States. Leader of the minority Nancy Pelosi urged restraint and unity in response to his colleague's remarks.

However, Trump reacted with an impolite response on his part, blowing Waters off as "an extraordinarily low IQ" and warning him of his many supporters.

"Pay attention to what you want for Max!" Tweeted the President on Monday.

Read more:

The woman who was fired for overthrowing President Trump has just sued her former employer

The owner of the red hen explains why she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave

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