California: 28% fewer lung cancer deaths, says new study


PhotoAs more and more young people turn to e-cigarettes as a healthier and safer alternative, California has aggressive anti-smoking programs in place to deter people from becoming accustomed to smoking. to take such a habit.

As a result, a team of researchers from the University of San Diego's School of Medicine discovered that the number of lung cancer deaths had decreased by 28% across the state. .

"Quitting smoking at any age will improve a person's quality of life," said John P. Pierce, PhD. "But stopping smoking before the age of 35 could help smokers to avoid almost all the negative effects of smoking on health. Quitting smoking at the age of 50 could reduce the risk of a person's disease by almost half. "

"It's clear early in the fight against smoking, young Californians are less and less likely to become addicted smokers," says Pierce.

Look at the numbers

To verify the effectiveness of their tobacco control programs, the researchers evaluated lung cancer information from SEER (national epidemiological surveillance and end results) and smoking habits based on responses provided by the National Health Interview Survey from 1974 to 2014.

The researchers included responses from more than 960,000 US residents, about 10% of whom came from California.

According to Scott M. Lippman, MD – one of the researchers participating in the study – in 1985, 108 out of 35,000 people out of 35,000 would die each year from lung cancer in California. In 2013, this number fell to around 63 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Lippman noted that it was the "biggest drop ever seen" and far exceeded the rest of the country in terms of lung cancer-related deaths.

"Even though quitting has increased across the country, it does not explain why the recession of lung cancer has been so much faster in California," Lippman said. "This can only be attributed to the success of tobacco control in this state, which has been so effective in convincing young people not to smoke."

Push to stop smoking in teens

Although the younger generation has been more inclined to turn to e-cigarettes, a new study found that an increase in sales of JUUL – a brand of electronic cigarettes widespread – is a threat to young people, while also disrupting the activities of the Food and Drug Administration. (FDA) Youth Smoking Prevention Plan.

JUUL has proven to contain the most nicotine of all other electronic cigarettes and was also the number one electronic cigarette in the United States in December 2017.

The Youth Tobacco Prevention Plan focuses on three key areas, as the agency seeks to end teen smoking:

  • Prevent young people's access to tobacco products

  • End the marketing of tobacco products for the younger generation

  • Teach young people about the dangers of smoking – both regular and electronic cigarettes

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