California Attorney Laid Off After Negative Comments on Maxine Waters


A Southern California attorney was put on leave while his office investigates what officials said Monday were "discriminatory comments" that he posted on social media that would target Maxine's representative Waters, Michelle Obama, In a comment on Facebook, the prosecutor, Deputy District Attorney Michael Selyem, used derogatory terms to describe Ms. Waters – a Democrat who represents a congressional district in Los Angeles – including a vulgar term for some of the woman's anatomy, and thought that one would think that someone would have shot her, according to the San Bernardino Sun. On Friday, the newspaper reported comments and posted screen shots of people by Mr. Selyem's name.

According to The Sun, Mr. Selyem, a prosecutor with a unit targeting gangs of San Bernardino District. Office, also wrote that a person who had been shot by the police "got exactly what he deserved" and referred to the person with a derogatory word. In addition, Mr. Selyem posted a modified photo of Mrs. Obama holding an obscene sign, according to the newspaper; He also said that Mr. Selyem published an article online showing a man in an oversized sombrero accompanied by the words, "Mexican word of the day: Hide."

On Monday, Mr. Selyem's Facebook and Instagram accounts appeared to have been removed. In a statement from Monday, San Bernardino County attorneys – which covers a giant corridor of inner California that stretches from the Nevada border to the eastern border of Los Angeles County said to have opened an investigation shortly after learning of Mr. Selyem's "negative comments" on June 28th.

They said that Mr. Selyem, 50, would remain on administrative leave pending the end of the investigation. The Sun reported that Mr. Selyem joined the office 12 years ago.

"San Bernardino District Attorney's Office Does Not Tolerate Hatred, Discrimination or Incitement to Violence" District Attorney Mike Ramos said at a press conference Monday. "Our community and the entire criminal justice system depend on having fair, ethical and impartial prosecutors. We must insist on that. "

The office stated that it would have no additional comments, and Christopher Lee, a spokesman for the office, did not immediately respond to an email, a phone call or a text message.

Waters has recently been in the spotlight after urging his supporters to "repel" Trump administration members who are seen in public places and to tell them that they Mr. Selyem's offending comment was in response to Facebook Efforts to reach Ms. Waters' office on Monday night were not successful.

A Deputy District Attorney was charged with examining the cases of Mr. Waters.Selyem handled in the gang unit, The Los Angeles Times reported.But Mr. Ramos said that there is no had no immediate indication that Mr. Selyem had shown bias, according to the newspaper. [19659009] [ad_2]
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