California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a series of gun control bills, including a bill to raise the minimum age for the purchase of 18-21 shotguns and rifles. years.

The new law, which will come into force on January 1, exempts law enforcement, military and people holding a hunting license from the restriction. State law already prohibits people under the age of 21 to buy handguns.

Among the bills signed Friday by the Democratic Governor is the lifetime ban on the purchase of firearms by those convicted of serious acts of domestic violence or serious mental health problems.

Another demands that Californians follow at least eight hours of training, including live fire exercises, before wearing concealed weapons.

Brown vetoed a measure that would have limited the purchase of a person to a rifle or shotgun over a 30-day period.

Sen. Democrat Anthony Portantino, author of the law on raising the age limit for the purchase of shoulder guns, said he was motivated by the following: Assassination of 17 students and school staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in February. A 19-year-old former student of the school is accused of using a semi-automatic rifle in the rampage.

"I was determined to help California respond appropriately to the tragic events that our country has recently experienced on high school campuses," Portantino said. violent tragedy on our school campuses ".

In March, Rick Scott, Florida 's Republican governor, signed a bill raising the age of 18 to 21 as the minimum age required for the purchase of shoulder guns in that state.

The National Rifle Association immediately challenged this action in a federal lawsuit against Florida, claiming that the minimum age section violated the second and fourteenth amendments to the US Constitution.

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