California Governor Jerry Brown signs a bill banning the sale of weapons to people under 21, citing Parkland


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SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Most people under the age of 21 will not be able to buy firearms in California from next year under a law that Governor Jerry Brown announced Friday to sign.

This will prevent under – 21s from buying rifles and other types of guns. State law already prohibits people under the age of 21 to buy handguns.

The new law exempts law enforcement, military and hunting permit holders from the restriction.

It was one of the dozens of bills on which Brown acted.

Democrat Senator Anthony Portantino spoke of a shootout at a Florida high school earlier this year that claimed the lives of 17 people, which led to a ban on sales bans. weapons and transfers to persons under 21 years of age.

"I was determined to help California respond appropriately to the tragic events that our country has recently experienced on high school campuses," Portantino said in a statement. "I think it's imperative that California lead when Washington refuses to act."

Image: gun shop in California
Customers view semi-automatic weapons displayed in an armory in Los Angeles, California on December 19, 2012.Gene Blevins / Reuters File

Brown has also signed a bill to ban the possession of a firearm to hospitalized or involuntary psychiatric prisoners at the risk of injuring themselves or others in a year. This law would allow these people to apply to a court every five years to surrender their weapons.

It has also signed a bill to prohibit people with certain domestic violence offenses from possessing firearms for life.

In addition to the firearms bills, he vetoed a measure that would have allowed bars in some cities to serve alcohol until 4 am, which would lead to driving more intoxicated.

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