California is raising the age of gun purchase at age 21


IIt will soon be much harder for under-21s to buy a gun in California.

A law signed on Friday by Governor Jerry Brown raised the age to buy guns and rifles from an authorized 18 to 21 year-old dealer beginning in 2019, with the exception of law enforcement officers or police officers. Army, The age to buy a handgun was already 21 years old.

The bill was one of the gun control measures signed by Brown, a Democrat. Others have included a new restriction on the possession of firearms for life for people who have been hospitalized for mental health issues twice a year. People affected by this law could request the return of their weapons every five years.

Individuals convicted of certain domestic violence crimes will also be banned from possessing life-long weapons under Brown's promulgated measures on Friday after approving other firearms-related measures earlier this week.

Brown also vetoed gun control measures this week, including a Friday that would have prevented people from buying more than one rifle a month.

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