California lawmakers approve data-privacy bill by Silicon Valley


SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – California state lawmakers on Thursday unanimously passed a data privacy statement to the consumer and to the public.

Governor Jerry Brown has veto it, though the legislature can override a veto with two-thirds support. Under the proposal, large companies, such as those with data on more than 50,000 people, would be required starting in 2020 parts.

Each violation would carry a $ 7,500 fine. The law would apply only in California.

Google executives have warned that the measure could have unintended consequences. The Internet Association, which also represents Facebook Inc. and Inc has also opposed the bill, as the California Chamber of Commerce and the Association of National Advertisers.

CTIA, a wireless industry trade group.

"State-specific laws will stifle American innovation and confusing consumers," CTIA said.

Ali Bay, the governor deputy press secretary, declined to comment.

Reporting by Paresh Dave; Editing by David Gregorio

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