California physician, renowned immunity skeptic, placed on probation to exempt the child from all vaccines


Dr. Bob Sears, a renowned pediatrician at Dana Point who was sought after by parents wishing to evade the state's mandatory vaccine requirements, was placed on probation for 35 months by the Medical Board of California [19659002]. which comes into effect on July 27, allows Sears to continue its medical practice, but requires it to complete 40 hours of probationary and one professional ethics course.

He must also be followed by another licensed physician during his probationary period.

The board also requires Sears to notify all places where it operates within seven days of the effect of the day. 39; order.

Sears accepted the terms of his probation agree to settle the case. A spokesman for Sears said that he was not available to comment on Friday.

But, in a long article on Facebook, where he has nearly 68,000 subscribers, Sears talked about being targeted by the Medical Board and explained that he even agreed to a settlement. when he did "nothing wrong" because he believes that it is futile to fight the council's decision

Vaccine Exemptions

The Attorney General's Complaint Filed on September 2 2016 alleges that Sears breached the standard of care by failing to "obtain the basic information necessary to make a decision" before exempting the child from all immunizations.

So, after the complaint, Sears exposed the child and his mother to infections


" The mother described how her baby had suffered from a reaction neurological moderate to severe vaccines three years ago, and she was afraid of a judge in her future ear would force her to resume vaccines now, "he said. "The medical records of the reaction were not yet available, and I gave the patient a letter of opinion to show the judge that the reaction was serious enough to justify not making any more vaccines. . "

complaints received, said spokesman Carlos Villatoro.

"So, if we receive a complaint that a doctor improperly approves medical exemptions to a vaccine, we will consider that," he said. We do not have a special effort to investigate the doctors who approve these exemptions.

Vaccine exemptions are a controversial topic in California, with passionate advocates on both sides.

California passed Bill 277 in a 2015 measles outbreak at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, which nauseated 147 people and turned it into a multi-state public health crisis.

This new law requires parents to obtain an exemption from a doctor if they do not want to vaccinate their children

Unvaccinated children at risk

Control Centers and Disease prevention recommend that all parents vaccinate their children. The CDC recognizes that vaccines can cause side effects, but they say they're benign.

However, vaccine-preventable symptoms of the disease could be serious or even fatal.

Although many diseases are rare in the United States, those traveling abroad could bring back these diseases and endanger unvaccinated children.

According to the CDC, serious side effects after vaccination are "very rare".

Friday afternoon, about 4,700 fans supported Sears. Rachel Doroski, a resident of Rancho Santa Margarita, said she was considering consulting Sears for her daughter, who is now 9 years old, after reading Sears best-selling book "The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for your child ".

She feared her daughter would react badly to vaccines.

"I am not an anti-vaccine," she said. "I just wanted to do what was right for my daughter at the time."

However, many Sears peers do not agree with him that the vaccine administration would overload the immune system.

UCLA James D. Cherry, pediatrician and infectious disease specialist, says that the idea of ​​spacing vaccines, which Sears recommends, is simply wrong.

"The important thing is to know all the risks, benefits and contraindications of the vaccines we currently have," he said. "If we had no measles vaccines, we could have 3 000 deaths per year. "

" Some people simply choose to believe what they believe rather than what the facts indicate. "

Cherry said that there should be consequences" The Medical commission should certainly investigate these cases and the doctors should be punished, "he said.

Villatoro refused to confirm whether the commission was investigating any other cases against Sears.

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