California Toddler, 2, dies after being shot with a gun while the parents were out


A 2-year-old boy died after being accidentally shot in the head with a pistol.

The toddler's parents had gone out at that time and he was being cared for by two other adults, who were supposed to be family members. friends. The boy was in his room when the shooting took place, said police at KFSN's ABC station

Lt. Rob Beck, of the Fresno Police Department, said the gun's identity n & # Was not clear. "At the time when this happened, there were two adults inside the house with the child.None of them is the parents of the child.

"If you have guns at home, they must be locked out and out of reach of children," said Beck

Audubon Drive on Saturday after reports of the shooting. received a search warrant for the property The boy was transported to the hospital but did not survive.

Neighbor Wendy Kulterman told KFSN that the family had lived there for about six months She said that they kept most of the time for themselves but sometimes she could hear the children playing. "I have grandchildren and you just think I would not want that to happen" Kulterman said, "The only thing we know about them is this tragedy and that is what we are teaching them the most. It's horrible. "

According to, this marks the 12th child killed by a weapon in July in the United States

Fresno Police Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment

Unfortunately, cases of young children who obtain firearms are not uncommon.In May, a two-year-old boy in Virginia he was shot accidentally after finding a gun in his apartment.A police officer reported the shooting for the first time around noon on May 19, after a man and a woman in a car l? shot dead, telling him that their son had committed suicide

The officer called for emergency help The doctors pronounced the death of two years shortly before 1 pm According to the service Roanoke Police Station, no charge was retained in the case at that time

In March, a 2 year old boy from Alabama shot dead his brother one year after discovering the 9mm loaded of his parents. gun in their room. Mobile police chief Lawrence Battiste said the boys' mother had just come out of the house to tell their grandmother that she was leaving. Moments later, the 2-year-old came out to tell her grandmother that her ears were ringing.

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