California Wildfires: Music Stars React to Trump’s Response


Music stars are expressing their concern over the devastating wildfires across the state of California, which have killed at least nine people and driven thousands of others from their homes.

Artists like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, John Legend, and many more have taken to social media to show their support for those affected by the fires and thank the firefighters risking their lives to contain the blazes.

“I am thinking so deeply for everyone who is suffering today from these abominable fires & grieving the loss of their homes or loved ones,” tweeted Gaga, who had to evacuate her Malibu home. “I’m sitting here with many of you wondering if my home will burst into flames. All we can do is pray together & for each other. God Bless You.”

About 250,000 Californians have been forced from their homes as the the Camp Fire in the north and two in the south — Woolsey and Hill — continue to burn this weekend, CNN reports.

Meanwhile, Perry responded angrily to a tweet from President Trump, who blamed the fires on  “gross mismanagement of the forests” by authorities around the state.

“This is an absolutely heartless response,” Perry tweeted back to the president. “There aren’t even politics involved. Just good American families losing their homes as you tweet, evacuating into shelters.”

Legend joined in, tweeting, “Our National Embarrassment can’t bring himself to show some empathy to Californians dealing with a horrific disaster.”

See more reactions to the California fires — and Trump’s response to it — below.

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