California will not enforce the Net Neutrality Law


The state attorney general has agreed to not enforce his new law – aimed at preventing Internet service providers from promoting certain websites and certain applications – while a trial is taking place in Washington. .

California law puts the state in conflict with the federal government. The Federal Communications Commission voted last December to cancel the protections for network neutrality imposed by the Obama administration. Ajit Pai, president of the FCC appointed by President Donald Trump, has proposed the repeal as a way to prevent the federal government from "micromanaging the Internet."

Mozilla, a nonprofit organization dedicated to guaranteeing a "free and open Internet," has filed a lawsuit, arguing that the FCC's decision to overturn the net's neutrality "violates both federal law and night to Internet users and innovators ".

California then passed its own Net Neutrality Law on September 30, which is expected to come into effect in January. The state's bill prohibits Internet service providers from blocking, slowing down, or speeding up the content of certain sites or applications.

The DOJ and the Internet companies have fought back with lawsuits.

And in a document filed Friday, a judge revealed that California had agreed to delay the implementation of its law until the Mozilla case was settled.

The American Cable Association, which represents companies such as Comcast (CMCSA), is a party to a lawsuit filed against California. The organization said in a statement posted on its website that she considered the move as "a win for consumers".

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has long been committed to protecting net neutrality laws in his state.

"Every action we take, every action we launch aims to put us in the best possible position to preserve the neutrality of the internet for the 40 million inhabitants of our state," said Democrat Becerra in a statement.
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