California's neutrality bill should be signed into law


Millions of Californians are waiting for Governor Jerry Brown to reaffirm their call for a free and open Internet.

After Congress has canceled the 2015 Federal Communication Commission's Open Internet Order, states had to step up Make sure all internet traffic is treated the same way. The signing of Governor Brown would make California the fourth state to pass a law offering its residents protection against net neutrality.

While EFF applauds the states that have taken steps to protect net neutrality, we think California is the strongest measure in the country. This goes beyond the basic protections set out in Washington and Oregon prevent blockage and interference to ensure that Internet Service Providers can not, at any time, circumvent network neutrality protections in the provision of customer service.

The bill goes further than other measures by prohibiting California Internet service providers from using the zero discriminatory practice, ie by exempting their own affiliate products or by paying the provider of access treatment. Nor does it allow ISPs to charge other companies access to their customers, a ban that has existed for decades.

California's decision to lead this battle in the legislature sets it apart from other states that have limited protections through a Governor's decree, which can only dictate the conduct of Internet service providers in the United States. State contracts. Laws are also more difficult to reverse than executive decrees, ensuring that these important consumer protections can not be reversed in the future in no time at all.

Internet service providers such as Verizon, AT & T and Comcast have opposed several protections in the state bill and have almost succeeded in remove the measure many of his protections. California residents calling for a free and open Internet reinstated these protections and ensured that the bill was passed by a two-party majority in both the state legislature and the state senate. Because of this surge, the governor's office legislation is the most comprehensive and neutral national measure in favor of consumers.

Net neutrality remains popular across the country and the fight for open Internet protection continues in all countries and in Washington. The victory of your voice over the industry in California can be restored.

We will continue to fight for a free and open Internet in the state of California and we will encourage other states in the country to consider the bill as a model for their own rules of neutrality. " Internet.

Move to action

Californians: tell the governor to sign the net neutrality law

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